CDC Resources and Tools for Aging Services Professionals Angela Johnson Deokar, MPH, CHES, CPH Public Health Advisor, Healthy Aging Program Centers for Disease Control & Prevention System Integration Kick-Off Meeting Washington, D.C. November 7, 2011
Objectives Provide an overview of aging-related programs and activities at CDC Share tools and resources Provide links for finding additional information
Aging Services and Public Health Networks Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 56 State Units on Aging * 57 State Health Department † Community Organizations 629 Area Agencies on Aging * 2794 Local Health Department § National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) National Assn of Area Agencies on Aging National Assn of Chronic Disease Directors National Assn of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) Adapted from Aging States Report; *Accessed June 19, † Accessed June 19, 2009; § 2008 National Profile of Local Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Prevention is overarching goal Science drives what we do Focus on large-scale impact with known, effective strategies to address them
CDC State Funding Profiles
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Community Transformation Grants Tobacco-free living Active living and healthy eating Quality clinical and other preventive services
Healthy Aging: The Role of CDC Provide quality health information Monitor health status of older Americans Identify and put into practice what works Integrate public health prevention expertise with the reach of the aging service network Facilitate prevention efforts of health care providers and others who serve older adults
The Healthy Brain Initiative: National Public Health Road Map to Maintaining Cognitive Health A guide for moving cognitive health into public health practice For national and state level agencies and organizations Progress report released August
Road Map: Priority Action Items* “Include cognitive health in Healthy People 2020, a set of health objectives for the nation that will serve as the foundation for state and community public health plans.” “Develop a population-based surveillance system with longitudinal follow-up that is dedicated to measuring the public health burden of cognitive impairment in the United States.” * The Road Map outlines 44 action items, 10 of which are priority items for immediate action
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Identify health problems Core questions Modules State-added questions BRFSS Modules Impact of cognitive impairment Caregiving Plan and assess public health programs REACH Risk Factor survey
The Impact of Cognitive Impairment BRFSS Module Purposes: To advance the understanding about the impact of cognitive impairment among American adults Provide a window into current and future needs of states and communities related to cognitive impairment To assist states, policy makers, researchers, CDC and other organizations with “data for action”
Assessing the Impact of Cognitive Impairment
Assessing the Impact of Cognitive Impairment* BRFSS Participation by State, 2012 Not Including Including Asking question 10 only
Data for Action
Examples of Materials from Healthy Aging Program
Translating Research to Practice The Guide to Community Preventive Services Provides information about high-priority interventions
Selected CDC CDSMP Investment (Asthma, Arthritis, Diabetes, Heart-2010) = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 Programs
Selected Federal CDSMP Investment (CDC, AoA-2010) = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 Programs AoA
Additional CDSMP Resource
Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Address unique needs and challenges in innovative and locally defined ways – Link to Healthy People goals and objectives
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Older Adult Falls Prevention __________ Rubenstein, Age & Aging, 2006 Evidence Based Fall Prevention Community Programs o Tai Chi Moving for Better Balance, Stepping On, and Otago Exercise Programs o Developed manuals, implementation guides, and train the trainer resources to implement programs in the community A Resource for Health Care Providers to Assess Fall Risk, and Treat and Refer Patient as Needed o Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries (STEADI)
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Older Adult Falls Prevention __________ Rubenstein, Age & Aging, 2006 Cooperative Agreement with State Health Department Injury Programs to Implement the Multi-Component Fall Prevention Program (MFPP) o 5-year award to Oregon, New York and Colorado o DIR Core Injury Program Partnership Develop Policy Strategies and Materials to Sustain Evidence-Based Efforts
Additional CDC Resources
Contact Information Angela Deokar Public Health Advisor CDC Healthy Aging Program Healthy Brain Initiative The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of CDC or ATSDR