Workshop #1 – Introduction Dr. Carmen Cavezza Cunningham Center July 16, 2008
What Is Project STEADI STEADI stands for: Simulation Technology Education to Assist the Defense Industry Project STEADI is an ICAPP approved and funded project that was started in March 2008 and ends in September 2008 The Project STEADI request was made based on ongoing workforce concerns expressed by defense industry contractors within the region that only will be exacerbated by the BRAC decision to relocate the Armor Center and School to Fort Benning by September 2011 The objective of Project STEADI is to develop the first of several modeling and simulation courses that will comprise a modeling and simulation track within the Master of Science Degree in Applied Computer Science While modeling and simulation curriculum development is the core objective of the project, there are several other major elements as well: one of those is to hold two modeling and simulation workshops
What is the Purpose of this Workshop? To educate Project STEADI stakeholders about Modeling, Simulation and Gaming To update Project STEADI stakeholders about the Project To inform Project STEADI stakeholders about the future of the Project and related activities To advise the Project STEADI stakeholders about the Opportunities Project STEADI has made available To promote the New Modeling and Simulation curriculum and certificate
Who Are the Stakeholders? United States Army Infantry School and Center and the United States Army Armor School and Center (The Maneuver Center of Excellence) Columbus State University and Local Educators Homeland Security and Defense Industry Contractors The Economic Development Partners
Workshop #1: Modeling, Simulation and Gaming