Workshop #1 – Project Update Cunningham Center July 16, 2008
Update Topics Review of the Workshop Agenda The Elements of Project STEADI Project Mission, Scope and Organization Deliverables Project Strategy and Timeline Project Update Conclusions
Workshop Agenda 9: :15 Welcome and Introduction Dr. Carmen Cavezza 9:15-- 9:30Project Status Overview PM, John Fuller 9:30 – 10:00 Modeling and Simulation: COL Mike Obermeyer Soldier Battle Lab 10:00--10:15“Checkpoint”--A Simulation Duane Slaughter 10:15—10:30Solar System—A Simulation Dr. Rodrigo Obando 10:30—10:45 Break 10:45—11:15 M&S Curriculum Strategy Dr. Wayne Summers 11:15– 11:45First Course Dr. Rodrigo Obando 11:45—12:45Lunch and Guest Speaker Blanchard B MCOE Simulation Challenges Dr. James Mowery 12:45---1:00Break 1:00—2:00The VMASC Experience Dr. Roland Mielke 2:00 – 2:45Panel John Fuller 2:45 –3:00Opportunities and Wrap Up John Fuller
Meeting Handouts Agenda Biographies on Speakers Survey Letter Evaluation
Project Scope Complete a market study to the determine specific modeling and simulation technology need: skills, knowledge and abilities Develop a curriculum at CSU to support the modeling and simulation technology need Conduct vision trips to view working models Hire and / or train CSU faculty to teach the curriculum Recruit students to enter the curriculum program Conduct workshops to educate the community on the project and status of the project Establish student internships to support the new program Establish a website to support the communication needs of and promote Project STEADI
Project Mission To produce the first course within a modeling and simulation track within the Master of Science Degree in Applied Computer Science and complete all other elements of Project STEADI on time and within budget
Project Organization
Project Deliverables VMASC Capstone Conference Market Study Two Vision Trips Two Business Education Workshops Operational Website Curriculum Marketing Plan Internship Program Established First M&S Course Developed
Major Activities and Project Timeline Activity MarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Market Study Faculty Training at Capstone Conf. Curriculum Development Website Development Vision Trips Business Education Seminars Marketing Curriculum and Recruiting Student Internship Program
Project STEADI Update PROJECT OBJECTIVESTATUS Market StudyGT Study complete; ICAPP Funded Study due 8/31/08 Vision TripsTwo complete; Two Pending Web SiteOperational; but will continue as a work in progress InternshipsFirst one signed with Omega; to start in September Promote and MarketMedia, Marketing and More drafted marketing plan Educate the FacultyVMASC visit complete; Dr. Mielke is our consultant WorkshopsThis is the first; the second will be the first annual symposium Develop CurriculumFirst Course to be introduced in January 2009 (Spring semester)
Conclusions Mission is being accomplished on time and within budget Eight elements of Project STEADI being delivered on time and within budget Requirements of the Project are being exceeded in virtually all elements—all within budget constraints Opportunities abound for all stakeholders!
Modeling, Simulation and Gaming