GAME OF THRONES Matt. 27: 15-25. Pilate was caught up in the web of intrigue and knew he was unable to extricate himself. He remembered that it was a.


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Presentation transcript:

GAME OF THRONES Matt. 27: 15-25

Pilate was caught up in the web of intrigue and knew he was unable to extricate himself. He remembered that it was a custom for them to release someone during the Passover. (Matt. 27:15) “Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?”

“it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish.”(John 11:49-53).

But what the high priest didn’t realize was that in God’s whole plan of redemption, he was just a pawn just like in a game of chess moved by God to pronounce the sacrificial, substitutionary death of Christ for sinners. Caiaphas did not realize the implications of what he spoke. While he uttered blasphemy against Christ, God parodied his statement into truth, into a prophecy.

Which Theological group does the following?  Erratic jerking and shaking  Uncontrollable laughter  Slain in the spirit  Prophesy  Tongues Hindus

“Tragically, although the Bible is clear about who we are to worship and how we are to worship, little genuine worship takes place throughout most of the world today.” It’s what the Bible calls an offering of a ‘strange fire.’ (Lev. 10:1-3)

Pilate was now under greater pressure. God the Son had graciously confronted him with the question of eternal values; now God the Father was warning him through his wife’s dream. But from Pilate’s own personality, there was no way he could have succumbed to his wife’s pleading. One, Roman procurators were unused to interference from their spouses in matters concerning official business. Second, Pilate had gone too far along this road to falter, Roman pride was at stake.

When sin becomes so ingrained in the heart of man, his thinking becomes so calloused to the point of making the wrong right. Pilate felt relieved, but at the expense of knowing that, whereas the previous day he had believed himself to be a proud, self-confident Roman, he was now publicly exposed as a weak and dissolute man.

Jesus standing nearby, was the only one not deceived. Pilate, the Sanhedrin, the crowd, all were deceived by their very own game of thrones. Whether in politics, in business, even in religion, those in leadership position find themselves in such a dilemma. Either you do what is right or succumb to the evil clamor of the many.

The irony is that Pilate rendered judgment on the One whom the Father Himself entrusted with all judgment (John 5:22) ‘Let Him be crucified’ (Matt. 27:22) They all had to be made aware that he was exonerated of all personal blame in the matter. “You see to it.” (Matt. 27:24) His blood be on us, and on our children. (Matt. 27: 25)

The wide gate leads to a broad road that leads to destruction and there are many who go by it. The narrow gate leads to a difficult road that leads to life and only a few are finding it.(Matt. 7: 13-14) Altar calls do not save. It is not the decision or a prayer that saves. It’s the gospel.

The road that leads to life is a narrow path. It is the road less travelled. It is by way of the cross. No other way but the cross of Jesus Christ.