Unit 2 Vocabulary
adjourn to stop proceedings for a time; to move to another place (Habib el-Adly)
alien a citizen of another country; foreign, strange ET (it / thing vs. one/it that lives)
comely having a pleasing appearance Appropriate / precision of ‘beautiful’ or ‘hot’
compensate to make up for; to repay for services (Japan reactor)
dissolute loose in one’s morals or behavior (Sin City)
expulsion the process of driving or forcing out (Apollo 13) (Canadian Idol) (Facebook, strong language)
fortify to strengthen, build up (Wheaties ad from ’50s) e=related (Lebron the lawyer) e=related
erratic not regular or consistent; different from what is ordinarily expected; undependable (USA teen driver training) (Charlie Sheen)
feint a deliberately deceptive movement; a pretense; to make a deceptive movement; to make a pretense of e=related (Ronaldo) e=related
fodder food for horses or cattle; raw material for a designated purpose (Charge of the Light Brigade) George Bush’s English?
illegible difficult or impossible to read
jeer to make fun of rudely or unkindly; a rude remark of derision (Red Sox)
lucrative bringing in money, profitable (Forrest Gump, 1974)
mediocre average, ordinary, undistinguished (Wall Street 2 and Kick Ass)
proliferate to reproduce, increase, or spread rapidly (App for that) Gangnam style
subjugate to conquer by force, bring under complete control
sully to soil, stain, tarnish, defile, besmirch (Britney Spears)
terse brief and to the point (Tebow on Twitter)
tantalize to tease, torment by teasing (Harrods in London) Tantalus, House of Atreus
unflinching firm, showing no signs of fear, not drawing back Charge of the Light Brigade People can be intrepid (brave) Qualities are unflinching (courage) What does it mean to flinch?