Unit #2 9 th Grade Vocab. Review
Adjourn (v.): to discontinue or stop
Alien: (n) a citizen of another country (adj.) foreign, strange These are immigrants arriving to Ellis Island to live in America.
Comely (adj.) having a pleasing appearance
Compensate (v) to make up for; to repay for services
Dissolute (adj.) immoral or corrupt
Erratic (adj.) not regular or consistent; undependable Brittany Spears shaving her head!
Expulsion (n) the process of forcing out; eviction
Feint (n) a trick (v) to make a deceptive movement Boxers must have the ability to feint and counterpunch to beat their opponents.
Fodder (n) food for horses or cattle
Fortify (v) to strengthen
Illegible (adj.) difficult to read
Jeer (v) to make fun of unkindly (n) a rude remark
Lucrative (adj.) bringing in money
Mediocre (adj.) average Mediocre Fancy
Proliferate (v) to reproduce or multiply Cells proliferate
Subjugate (v) to conquer by force
Sully (v) to soil or stain
Tantalize (v) to tease, tempt
Terse (adj.) brief and to the point
Unflinching (adj.) showing no signs of fear