Find a Niche or go Extinct 28 th June 2011 Professor Julian Beer Dr Rebekah Southern
Overview of session Setting the Scene - our LGM Project Work Plan and Progress Focus on Market Spaces – Sector Maps Group Activity: Mission Statements Questions and Points for Consideration
What we set out to achieve “An understanding of the new market space that the enterprise agenda is creating for the HE sector, and to explore and further develop the business models needed for its successful exploitation” “In so doing, we will examine both the approaches taken by other HEIs, and the key challenges inherent in creating such business models”
What we set out to achieve Specifically … The strategic decision-making processes aimed at creating a new form of distinctiveness (“why”) The distinctiveness of the various strategic models along an enterprise continuum (“what”) The new business models that underpin the distinctiveness strategies (“how”) Forms of collaborative partnerships and strategic alliances that characterise and inform the business models for this agenda (“with whom”)
Work programme and progress Three phases of work with associated outputs: Phase One: Desk Based Review and Development of Analytical Framework - Production of a baseline map of HE institutions’ market space Phase Two: Exploration of Distinctiveness Strategies and Underpinning Models - Fieldwork visits with ‘family’ of HEIs leading to good practice summaries Phase Three: Comparative Analysis - Report on business models; good practice toolkits A COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE
Group Activity: Mission Statements
All change
Who will take the biggest bite?
Competition : mission statements “… Group’s mission is to strengthen and capitalize on our position as a leading provider of high-quality, accessible education for individuals around the world by affording strong returns for all of our key stakeholders: students, faculty, employees, and investors.” “The mission of … University is to extend access to high quality bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and certificate programs for adults who seek to maximize their personal and professional potential. This mission is fulfilled through innovative programs that are responsive to the needs of adult learners and involve active, engaging, challenging, and relevant learning experiences offered in a variety of delivery modes.”
Questions and Points for Consideration LGM Website – LGM -