If you want to get back to this page, press the home button: The WildCare Trust Click on one of these buttons to find out more information on the WildCare Trust! If you want to get back to this page, press the home button: Introduction to the WildCare Trust General facts about endangered species Welcome to the WildCare Trust! In this presentation you will find information on the WildCare Trust, endangered species and the threats to them and how you can get involved and become a member. Click on a pink button to visit a page of your choice and read more about the chosen topic, if you want to go back to this screen then press the home button in the bottom left corner. Enjoy reading about the WildCare Trust! Threats to endangered species Membership Information and Getting Involved
Welcome to the WildCare Trust! Introduction to the WildCare Trust Welcome to the WildCare Trust! In 2005 this trust was set up with the aim of protecting and saving animals from becoming extinct, to do this, we rely on the help from our generous members. Currently we have three types of membership; Platinum, Gold and Silver. This year we are introducing two new memberships; WildCare Teens and Wildcare Kids. Keep reading to find out more! The WildCare Trust primarily aims to protect animals all over the world that are on the verge of becoming extinct. There are many species over the globe that desperately seek our attention and help. With the money from our members we help animals by maintaining or fixing their habitats, providing them with food, water and the care they need to carry on their species. The three times of membership for adults are; Platinum (£25), Gold (£20) and Silver (£15). The two new memberships are WildCare Teens and WildCare kids which this presentation will give you more information about.
General facts about endangered species Species that are “threatened” are at risk of becoming extinct Many reasons as to why animals become threatened are because of humans On January 5 2011, 1,170 species of animals were classified as endangered. Half of the 1,170 reside in the United States of America There are many endangered species all over the world; some are at risk from loss of habitat, climate change, and hunting and from predators. The ‘Endangered Species Act’ helps animals at risk of extinction by stating that if a species is endangered, it is illegal for humans to harm or take the species out of its habitat.
Threats to endangered species Threat 1, Climate Change: Birds now migrate at different times in the year and some birds don’t migrate at all because the climate is now suitable all year round, it also affects when animals go in and out of hibernation, for example, the Hawaiian Monk Seal. Threat 2, Hunting: Humans hunt different species for their own benefit, such as seal hunting or killing animals for their fur, for example the Maned Wolf. Threat 3, Loss of habitat: Due to deforestation and natural disasters. The American Alligator is at threat of losing its habitat. Threats 4, Predators: Sometimes one species is outnumbered by its predator species, the Spiny Turtle for example is at risk from being hunted by its predators. These threats cause many animals to become extinct. Climate change affects many animals globally because climate change means that migratory patterns, nesting and hibernation times are all altered as the weather changes for the animals, confusing them almost. Hunting by humans is common especially for products such as meat and fur. Using animals this way is wrong and the market for fur and meat can sometimes even be illegal. Although Natural disasters cannot be stopped, we can however protect the animals by sheltering them during floods or by trying to cover their habitats in the event of, for example, a hurricane. Deforestation however can be stopped by humans particularly by peaceful protests. Cutting down trees kills species by falling on habitats, shaking bird nests out and more. Lastly there is the threat of predators outnumbering and killing off its prey. Predators are stronger and fiercer than their prey and if for example the predator species is of 100 animals and the prey species of 50, the predator species could kill the majority of their prey making reproduction for the prey, harder.
What will your money go towards? Membership; Information, Fees and Getting Involved So what will it cost you? For WildCare Teens: £12 per year What will your money go towards? help fund expeditions to find, help and save endangered species all over the world. treat any diseases or injuries found in any species could even stop a species from becoming extinct. As previously mentioned, we are introducing two new forms of membership, WildCare Teens and WildCare Kids. Your membership will give you the chance to adopt any animal of your choice, help it with annual donations and receive updates on it throughout the year. For teens, WildCare membership is only £12 per year, or, if you like, £1 a month! Sounds like a little when you cut it down but your donation can make such a difference to the lives of hundreds of animals. With the money from donations we can fund expeditions to find new or already discovered species that are at risk of extinction. Money can then be spent to give them the care and attention they need, preventing extinction from happening. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us: 42-43 Copheap Lane, Darmill, GU99 7MN Tel: 04832 847288 Fax: 04832 847290 Email: info@WildCareTrust.co.uk Website: www.WildCareTrust.co.uk And see the Pack Folder containing a leaflet, membership card and data reports on a few animals! How can you get involved? Contact us and see the Pack Folder!