By Emma K
School Days
My Class
At Work
About Me
Holiday Program
Worm Farms
Reading Rockstars
My Self-Portrait
“I Am” Poem I am a treasure and polite. I wonder if in 2015 that beetles will be extinct? I hear a unicorn helping a dog jump. I see dogs talking to humans! I want 4 packets of squinkies. I am a treasure and polite. I pretend to be a teacher. I feel exited about unicorns talking to babies! I touch the stars because I am 20 feet tall! I worry about my Granddad. I cry about my Granddad. I am a treasure and polite. I understand that my family will always love me. I say that all dogs are cute and fun. I dream that a fairy landed on my head! I try in soccer to be aggressive. I hope that I get a longhaired dachshund. I am a treasure and polite.
Reading Rocks Origami Yoda at Reading Rocks.
My Favorite Books
Favorite Teacher
El Tesoro
Fun Times
Gump Day
Banana Split Party
Choir Concert
Favorite Bluebonnet Book
Charlotte’s Web
Grandparent’s Day
Muffins for Moms
Seed Bombs
Field Day
State Floats
Awards from Ms. McNutt