You’re on a mission to try and save an endangered animal! Teach your classmates how they can help too! Students will be in groups of 2 1 student will be an Environmentalist 1 student will be a Biologist Each group will chose and endangered animal to research Find out all about your chosen animal Create a Power Point presentation (6 slides maximum) Include photos of your animal and decorate your presentation however you like!
Discusses the causes of the endangerment How we can help? What effect your endangered animal will have on it’s habitat if it becomes extinct?
Discusses the animal you chose Where it lives What it eats Why animals become endangered
What is the difference between endangered and extinct animals? Where is your endangered species original habitat? How can an endangered animal affect it’s environment? What can you do to help an endangered species? Why do animals become endangered? How do you feel about animals becoming endangered?
Wildlife?Endangered-Species.aspx Wildlife?Endangered-Species.aspx extinct-endangered-animals.html extinct-endangered-animals.html standpresent/a/Why-Does-It-Matter-If-Species-Go- Extinct.htm standpresent/a/Why-Does-It-Matter-If-Species-Go- Extinct.htm
This certificate is present to: Our Biologists and Environmentalists For informing your classmates on what they can do to help prevent endangered species ! On the _______ day of ______
1)Video: “The Loneliest Animals” loneliest-animals/video-full-episode/4935/ loneliest-animals/video-full-episode/4935/ 2)Google Earth: check out the place where your animal lives! Looks at the environment and surroundings! 3)Books: Will We Miss Them: Endangered Species by Alexandra Wright The Atlas of Endangered Species 4)More information: 5)Power point : Endangered Species ppt.pptxEndangered Species ppt.pptx
Science 12.B.2a-Describe relationships among various organisms in their environment. 12.B.3a- Identify and classify biotic and abiotic factors in an environment that affect population density, habitat and placement of organisms in an energy pyramid. 12.B.3b- Compare and assess features of organisms for their adaptive, competitive, and survival potential (e.g., appendages, reproductive states, camouflage, defensive structures). English Language-Arts Research 5.A.1b- Locate information using a variety of resources 5.A.3b-Design a project related to contemporary issues (e.g., real-world math, career development, community service) using multiple sources 5.C.3b- Prepare an orally present original work supported by research
English & Language Arts Listening & Speaking 4.B.2a- Present oral reports to an audience using correct language and non verbal expressions for the intended purpose and message within a suggested organizational format.