The Ecosystems of the World Process Tasks Evaluation Conclusion Introduction To begin, click on “Introduction”! 3rd Grade Science
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Okay, kids! Let’s go on an adventure and explore what kinds of ecosystems the world has to offer! Take a look at the colorful, Toco Toucan, in the picture below. Can you figure out what kind of ecosystem the Toco Toucan has to live in to survive? Go to Tasks Contact Info:
Tasks OR Task One Task Two Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Tasks Explore and learn about the different ecosystems of the world! Make note of the differences between the types of ecosystems and learn more about the Toco Toucan’s needs, so you can figure out where he needs to live. After learning about the ecosystems and the Toco Toucan, write a paper about the ecosystem he lives in and why he needs to live in that ecosystem. After learning about the ecosystems and the Toco Toucan, create a poster of the ecosystem he needs to live in and mark the things vital to his survival. OR Task One Task Two IMPORTANT: Go to the Evaluation page to see how you will be graded, so you don’t miss any required information. Go to Process
Process Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 6 Step 5 Introduction Tasks Evaluation Conclusion Process Step 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 6 Step 5 Go to Evaluation
Evaluation RUBRIC FOR ONE PAGE PAPER RUBRIC FOR POSTER BOARD Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Evaluation RUBRIC FOR ONE PAGE PAPER RUBRIC FOR POSTER BOARD Go to Conclusion
Conclusion Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Students: From this assignment, I want you to understand that animals and other living organisms, such as plants, depend on their environments(ecosystems) to stay alive and regrow. I want you to be able to acknowledge that if an environment changes, some organisms may not be able to survive, and may become extinct. Also understand there are many different environments than the one that we live in. Further Questions to ask yourself: Q: What type of ecosystem do we live in? Q: What animals are becoming extinct? What is causing these extinctions? Q: What other environments could human beings live in and survive? Q: What environments could human beings not live in due to the environment? Why?
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Click here to learn about the Toco Toucan's location and what he eats to survive. Click here to learn about the defense mechanisms of a Toco Toucan and where he lives inside of his ecosystem. Click here to learn about the Toco Toucan's physical characteristics and other facts that you think will be helpful in the completion of your project. Toco Toucan Go to Step 2
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Mountain Zones Click here to learn about the temperature and living conditions of the Mountain Zones. Click here to learn about the vegetation in the Mountain Zones. Go to Step 3
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Desert Zone Click here to learn about the climate and plants that the Desert Zone has to offer. After being taken to the link you will see multiple pages on the same site they may be helpful to you. Go to Step 4
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Tropical Rainforest If you click here, you will learn everything you need to know about the tropical rainforest! This site also has multiple pages, so make sure to look at all of them. Go to Step 5
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion The Oceanic Zone is very broad ecosystem. Click here to take a look at some characteristics and use your prior knowledge about oceans to help you in your project. Oceanic Zone Go to Step 6
STEP 6 Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Now that you know some facts about the Toco Toucan and four of the major ecosystems, go back and try to figure out what the toucan needs to survive. Use the knowledge you have gained about the Toco Toucan to match him with one of the ecosystems. When creating your paper or poster, be sure to support your thoughts with facts(state which ecosystem the toucan should live in and provide reasons to why you think he should live in that ecosystem). Don’t forget, refer to the evaluation page and the appropriate rubric, to guide your project. It may be helpful to look at pictures of each ecosystem to give you some ideas!
RUBRIC FOR ONE PAGE PAPER Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion RUBRIC FOR ONE PAGE PAPER Score 1 2 3 4 5 Grammar & Spelling 9 or more grammar and spelling mistakes. 7-8 grammar and spelling mistakes. 5-6 grammar and spelling mistakes. 2-4 grammar and spelling mistakes. 0-1 grammar and spelling mistakes. Appropriate Information Your information does not back up your thesis. You have very little information that corresponds with your thesis. Your information is good, but you don’t fully back up your thesis. You provide is good and you back up you thesis, but you could provide more. You provided good information and backed up your thesis 100%. Provide Connection between animal and ecosystem You did not indicate the ecosystem where the toucan lives or make any connections. You gave information about the ecosystem where the toucan lives but you did not make the appropriate connection. You gave information about the ecosystem and gave some sort of connection to the toucan. You provide information about the ecosystem and the toucan, and make a good connection. You provide information about the correct ecosystem and make an excellent connection. Total: /15 X 3 = __/45
RUBRIC FOR POSTER /15 Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Score 1 2 3 4 Creativity There is no color or creativity, the effort put into the project was very poor You have very little detail and it appears that not much effort was put into the project. You give some detail and creativity, but still did not provide much effort. The details and creativity are good, and you put in a good effort. You went above and beyond, including colors and many details to your project. Labeling You labeled none or one thing on your poster and gave no descriptions. You labeled 2-3 things on your poster, with short descriptions. You labeled 3-4 things on your poster and gave a few descriptions. You labeled 5-6 things on your poster and described all of them. You labeled 7 or more things on your poster and gave good descriptions. Appropriate Info Your picture is irrelevant to the assignment. Your picture does not show a proper ecosystem. Your picture shows a few characteristics that go with the ecosystem. Your picture shows that you know which ecosystem is the correct one, but you are missing a few important factors. Your picture is outstanding, and it pictures the correct information. Total: /15 X 3 =__/45