Experimental Techniques Magnetization Specific heat Resistivity Low temperatures Small samples (~1 mg) High magnetic fields
Physical Properties Measuring System (PPMS) Temperature 1.9 a 400 K Cost ~ U$ 300k Magnetic field H = 9 Tesla Continuos operation with remote access main experimental system
Resistivity Specific heat
Software control
Review - Magnetism in solids Principios fundamentales Temperature induced disorder Longe range order
weakly interacting electrons the Curie-Weiss law Paramagnets m = molar magnetic susceptibility m = molar magnetic susceptibility C = Curie constant C = Curie constant = Weiss constant = Weiss constant m = C/(T+ ) mmmm m = 0 Paramagnetic - independent spins > 0 Ferromagnetic interactions < 0 Antiferromagnetic interactions
Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets mmmm non-frozen mmmm
Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish experimentally between different magnetic states An ordinary ferromagnet Isolated magnetic moments Canonical Spin-Glass
Slow dynamics in spin glasses Frequency dependence of the ac susceptibility Canonical Spin-Glass
Manganites Research areas: La 1-x Ca x MnO 3 CMR AFM Phase Separation
Phase separation in La 0.5 Ca 0.5 MnO 3 FM AFM-CO PMI FMM AFM-COI Tc TNTN PS
FM fraction depends on grain size of the polycrystalline sample
Structural determination with x-ray diffraction
Laboratório Nacional de Luz Sincrotron LNLS – Campinas, São Paulo
X-ray powder diffraction measurements high resolution
Data analysis with Rietveld refinment
Evolution of Mn-O-Mn bond angle and Mn-O bond lenght with increasing Sr concentent Results from Rietveld analysis x = 0.05
Capacitive Dilatometer Magnetostriction and thermal expansion measurements Experimental technique to proble volume changes in the compound
Volume reduction at the metamagnetic tansition
Resistivity relaxation after applying and removing Hdc DYNAMICS AFM time H (to go faster) La Pr 0.30 Ca MnO 3
Magnetocaloric materials Research areas: Prof. Angelo Gomes
El Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas PPMS
VSM SQUID Mili Kelvin
Preparación de materiales
Helio liquido
Postgrado en la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro Becas para maestría y doctorado accesible
The solid state refrigeration process (1) Sample at ambient temperature and magnetically disordered. (2) Sample orders in applied magnetic field: magnetic entropy ( SM) decreases forcing other types of entropy to increase, and causing the sample to heat up. (3) Convective cooling process (sample in air or liquid). (4) Sample at ambient temperature but magnetically ordered. (5) Sample removed from applied field, disordered, cooler than ambient (1) (2)(3) (4) (5)
Magnetic Entropy
Magnetic refrigerator - Simple (in principle)