Amphibians! By Averi, Erica, Ashley,and Azlyn
General Characteristics Habitat- Diverse-found in deserts, swamps, lowland tropical rainforests, above tree line in high mountain areas. # of species- about 4,200 (changes all the time) Every amphibian has a larvae stage Body plan-Bilateral Symmetry They are cold-blooded
Groups of Amphibians Urodela – Salamanders and newts Anura – Frogs and toads Apoda – Caecilians ( long and worm-like)
Digestive System Main organs: esophagus, stomach, and small intestine Bile: digestive juice made by the liver Most digestion takes place in small intestine Food is absorbed into bloodstream All amphibians have teeth except for toads
Respiratory System Main organs: larynx, lungs, gills, and skin Larynx leads from nostrils to lungs Lungs are filled with capillaries Skin absorbs extra oxygen
Circulatory System Main organs: heart and blood vessels Heart has two atria and one ventricle Heart has one atria and ventricle when larvae Circulatory system carries blood throughout the body
Excretory System Main organs: kidneys, bladder, cloaca, large intestine Kidneys produce urine which is held in the bladder, and then expelled through the cloaca Indigested items go through the large intestine, and then pass through the cloaca
Response/Nervous System Nervous system main organs: brain and spinal cord Brain is enclosed in the skull Spinal cord is protected by the backbone Messages are sent from the brain to the body through nerves branching from the spinal cord
Skeletal/Muscular System The muscular system provides movement and protection for organs Muscles are attached to the bones by tendons Muscle cells can expand and contract in a frog Muscles work in antagonistic pairs
Reproductive System Main organs: testes, ovaries, oviducts, sperm ducts, uteri, and cloaca Ovaries (in females) produce eggs Testes (in males) produce sperm The eggs are fertilized externally From 19 to 30,000 eggs are laid by one female per breeding season
Urodela (Salamanders, Newts) Around 10 families of Salamanders and Newts Many species are found in Appalachian Mountains
Anura (Frogs, Toads) 22 to 24 families of Frogs and toads Includes leopard and grass frogs (most commonly known) Many found in Eastern U.S., but they live pretty much everywhere except polar regions All toads are actually frogs That are differently adapted
Apoda (Caecilians) Little known Not found in the U.S. Limbless, mostly tailless, elongated, tropical amphibians who burrow or swim Wormlike, with slimy skin Some have scales Small or hidden eyes
Importance of Amphibians To Ecosystem – Pest control, food for other animals To humans – Food, genetic research They are “nature’s indicator”
Bibliography “Amphibians: Caecilian.” San Diego Zoo. 1 Jan., Zoo Society of San Diego Zoo. 27 Apr., "Amphibians: Frogs." Amphibians. 1 Jan., Webspawner. 27 Apr Dorota.”Weird Frog Facts.” All About Frogs.20 Apr Frog Land. 27 Apr., 2008 "Muscular system." Marymount School. 1 Jan., Marymount School. 27 Apr "Natural History." Amphibian Habitat. 1 Jan., Britannica. 27 Apr Savalli, Udo M.. "Vertabrate Diversity." Vertebrate Zoology. 23 Sept., ASU West. 27 Apr "Tennessee Amphibian Monitoring Program." 1 Jan., Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. 27 Apr "The Amphibians." Mr. Hamley Science. 1 Jan San Luis Obispo High School. 27 Apr 2008.