Bob the Problem Solver By: Lacey Bostick
Meet Bob! Bob is the new kid at school and just can’t seem to fit in very well. For weeks now he has been trying to make friends, but he doesn’t seem to have much in common with the rest of the fifth grade!
Tired of loneliness, Bob decided to take matters into his own hands. Being the problem solver that he is, Bob comes up with a great idea!!!!!! Wonder what he’ll do?
After school, Bob rushes home to count his saving.
In his piggy bank, Bob finds: How much money does he have?
If Bob has 4 one dollar bills, what is the total of the one dollar bills $1.00 (Value of each dollar) X 4 (Number of Dollars) $4.00 (Total) How else can Bob write this equation? $ $1.00 $4.00
If Bob has 3 five dollar bills, what is the total of the five dollar bills X 3 $15.00 OR $5.00 $ $5.00 $15.00 ?$5.00 ( Value of each dollar) (Number of dollars) How should Bob fix this equation? (Total)
If Bob has 6 nickels, what is the total of the nickels $0.05 X ? $0.30 $0.05 $ $0.05 $0.30 OR How should Bob write this equation? $0.05 (Value of each nickel) X 6 (Number of nickels) $0.30 (Total)
If Bob has 7 dimes, what is the total of the dimes $ $0.10 $0.70 OR $0.10 X 7 $0.70 ? X ? $0.70 How should Bob write this equation?
If Bob has 6 quarters, what is the total of the quarters $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $ $0.25 $1.50 OR $0.25 X 6 $1.50
If Bob has : How much money does he have? $4.00 $15.00 $0.30 $0.70 $1.50 $4.00 $15.00 $0.30 $ $1.50 $21.50
After counting his saving, Bob puts his money in his briefcase and heads to his favorite store….. $21.50
At the pet store, Bob, finds the solution to all of his problems !!!!!!!
FROGS!!!! ON SALE…… FOR $2.00 each !
Bob has $ How many frogs can he buy? $ $2.00 $19.50 To solve this problem Bob has two options… He can use subtraction $ $2.00 $ $2.00 $ $2.00 $ $2.00 $11.00 $ $2.00 $9.50 -$2.00 $ $2.00 $ $2.00 $ $2.00 $1.50 OR $21.50 ÷ $2.00= 10.75
Bob can use division: Bob divided $21.50 by 2 because each frog will cost him 2 dollars. The answer to the division problem is 10.75, but Bob can’t buy.75 of a frog, so he can only buy 10 frogs. Bob knows that very $2.00 will buy him one frog, so he goes through his money and counts the sets of $ $21.50 ÷ $2.00= 10.75
As Bob is about to pay the clerk for the 10 frogs, he notices that there is one more frog in the aquarium!
Bob knows how it feels to be lonely and does not want to leave the one frog behind. The frog costs $2.00 and Bob only has $1.50 left! What should he do?
Being the problem solver he is, Bob knows just what to do!!!! If I ask the clerk to sell me the last frog for 25 % off, will I have enough money to buy the frog? How will Bob figure out this problem?
(100 % of frog cost) $ % of cost 25 % of cost 50 % of 25% of cost 100% of cost $2.00 To determine the price of the 25% off frog Bob does the following: -- 25% of cost$ % of cost$1.50 This is the discounted price of the frog! Bob has enough money ! Will the clerk give Bob the discount ??
Don’t feed the animals! Thanks, Lacey’s Pets FREE Monkey The clerk is obviously very busy when Bob approaches him!!! Things in the pet store seem to be getting a little out of control! Umm excuse me, I know you are busy, but I was wondering if you would possibly sell me your last frog for 25% off? I am asking because I would really like to buy it, but I only have $ % off? Well I guess since you are one of my best customers!
With an empty briefcase and a full bag of frogs, Bob happily leaves the pet store and heads home to get better acquainted with his new friends. Not only did Bob gain 11 new friends today, but in 2 weeks Bob will take his new frogs to school for “Show and Tell”. This “Show and Tell” will be the opportunity Bob has needed to show his classmates how cool he really is! Thank goodness Bob is a great problem solver!!!!!!
Resourc es: Cartoon Art. Gazelle Technologies Inc. 1995