Frog parts and functions
1 Heart Pumps blood to carry oxygen, food, carbon dioxide, wastes
2 Lungs Brings in oxygen, gets rid of CO 2
3 Filter blood to remove liquid wastes Kidneys
4 Ureter Tube to connect kidney and bladder
5 Urinary bladder Holds urine
Bottom diagram Color digestive tract brown
What does a bullfrog eat? player/animals/amphibians-animals/frogs- and-toads/ player/animals/amphibians-animals/frogs- and-toads/ Also watch the water holding frog
1 Stomach Digest protein, make CHYME (slurry- slimy mix- of food)
2 Small intestine Digests carbohydrates and fats/ absorbs nutrients into the bloodstream
3 Large intestine Absorbs water
4 Cloaca Excretes waste (one hole)
5 Pancreas Makes insulin to take sugar into your cells No insulin? diabetes
6 liver Make bile to digest fats Also filters poisons, makes vitamins
7 Gall bladder Stores bile (from the liver)
8 mesentery Holds organs in place, so no twisting
Bioindicator species an organism that is used to monitor the health of the environment an organism that is sensitive to certain chemicals, or of ecological conditions such as global warming, air pollution, diseases (fungus or bacteria)
Frogs can be indicators of polluted storm water runoff.Frogsstorm water –Farm fertilizers contain large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen.fertilizers phosphorusnitrogen –This increases algaealgae –This causes an increase in flatworm parasites.flatworm –This causes tadpoles to develop missing or extra limbstadpoles
What happens to small animals might happen to humans One organism affects other organisms More legs on a frog makes it easier to eat Less frogs, makes insects go…. Up…..more insects make crops go Down Less frogs mean birds and fish go… Down…so insects go Up, again with the crop damage
Video clip: amphibian population decline
Biomagnification as you go up the food chain, the concentration of the toxin (poison) increases Insect might have 1 ppm (part per million) of an insecticide in it If a Frog eats 5 insects a day, it adds 5 ppm per day Great blue heron eats 3 frogs a day, might add 50 ppm of the poison
Biomagnification video clip
Review What organ makes chyme? stomach What organ absorbs most of your nutrients? Small intestine What organ cleans your blood of garbage? kidney What organ makes insulin? pancreas Why do we need insulin? Take sugar into cells
What organ makes bile? Liver What organ stores bile? Gall bladder What organ stores urine until you can get rid of it? Urinary bladder
What tissue holds your organs in place? Mesentery What organ absorbs water from the chyme? Large intestine
What organ brings in oxygen? Lungs What organ distributes oxygen? Heart How is our heart better than a frog’s? More chambers for better separation of oxygen and carbon dioxide