Red Eyed Tree Frog By Christopher & Matthew
Classification The Red Eyed Tree Frog is believed to have developed its vivid scarlet eyes to shock predators. They sleep by day,stuck to leaf bottoms, with their eyes closed and body markings covered.
Habitat Red eyed tree frogs are mostly found in tropical lowlands from southern Mexico through out central America and South America
Appearance When disturbed, they flash their bulging red eyes and reveal their huge webbed orange feet and bright-blue and yellow flanks. The shocking colours of this frog may over simulate a predators eyes, creating a confusing ghost image that remains behind as the frog leaps to safety. They are very recognisable for their neon green backs, their bright orange feet, light blue and yellow front, but mainly for their blood red eyes. Despite their conspicuous coloration they are not venomous.
Diet Tree frogs are carnivores. They hide in the rainforest canopy and ambush crickets, flies, moths, and even smaller frogs!
Predators Their Main Predators include bats, owls, snakes, tarantulas, toucans and young alligators.
Reproduction Mating can occur around three years of age. Males will shake branches in the trees to be able to get the attention of the females. This is a very interesting form of communication that is done through vibrations. The males will also vocalize sounds to find her. Once mating has occurred the female will lay the eggs in the water. Small tadpoles will emerge from them in a matter of days. They will be independent immediately and have to care for their own needs. It can take weeks or months depending on the location before they become actual frogs. They can live up to 5 years in the wild but there is a high mortality rate.
Interesting fact These frogs will often have white spots on their backs (or bodies). These spots are usually a completely normal pigmentation and not a cause for concern. If the spots stay the same in number and do not change over time, then they are probably normal and not caused by a disease such as Oodinium.