The Poison Dart Frog The slimy frog of the deep!
The Dendrobatidae I know what you are going to ask me what is a Dendrobatidae well that’s the scientific name of the Poison dart frog! Also you know why I’m here because I need money to go on this grand journey and if you want to know why you give me money I will tell you in the next slide.
Equipment Of course I need many items I will tell you most of them but not all. A camera to at least take pictures of the frog. A note book to take to write info on it.
More equipment I need a compass and a map so I don’t get lost. Binoculars just because I might need to see it far away. A phone so I call people because I need to have internet because might need to do more research. And that’s only a few of them!
So many stuff! So let me just say with the people I’m bringing the price will cost 7, Now let’s talk about some other stuff.
Predator The only natural predator of this frog is any type of snake, but to a snake the frog would just be a small snack!
Time to travel! Well of course I need to travel and I will be going to Brazil! The cost will be 1, I’m going at February :30 PM and coming back at March :30 PM. I will be staying in a hotel that is !
Cool features Now let me tell you about the many features of the poison dart frog. Lets start with color the colors can be red, blue, yellow, green, and even all of them! They usually only have one pattern that is the spots on it’s back.
Where’s my home? The poison dart frog lives in South America in Brazil the rainforest it lives in is the Amazon it usually lives in moist areas on the forest floor.
I’m endangered Remember how to snakes frogs are a small snack well of course they are still hunger and they eat more of them and which made them endangered.
Important facts The poison dart frog is useful because it eats insect that we think are gross. There are many combination of colors for the poison dart frog we still haven’t seen Not all frogs swim in water as tadpoles some swim in bromeliads Some poison dart frog have poison that can kill 10 people.
Lets hope you gave me the money I needed! See ya later