red eyed tree frogs Life cycle
The life cycle of a red eyed tree frog A red eyed tree frog goes through four distinct life cycle phases egg, tadpole, tadpole with legs, baby frog, and adult frog.
The diet of a red eyed tree frog Like most frogs red eyed tree frogs eat flies, crickets, moths grasshoppers, and some times even smaller frogs.
Habitat of a red eyed tree frog Tree frogs prefer habitats with plentiful floating vegetation, grasses, and cattails and are often found in small ponds, large lakes, marshes, and in streams, also can be found at night in back yard swimming pools.
Adaptations of a red eyed tree frog The red eyed tree frog is a lot more complex than it seems it contains a third eye lid called the nictitating membrane. this membrane allows them to shield their eyes from danger while still being able to see.