Revised Model of Endocannabinoid Signaling
Cannabinoids Medically and traditionally used for thousands of years Active compound of marijuana (D 9 -THC) identified in 1964 Brain cannabinoid receptor (CB1) identified in CB1 is one of the most abundant G-protein coupled receptors in the brain Another receptor (CB2) is absent in brain, but enriched in immune tissues Most (but not all) effects of D 9 -THC are absent in CB1 -/- mice “CBX” receptor may exist
Cannabinoids At central synapses (hippocampus, cerebellum, neocortex), cannabinoids are released in an activity dependent way, and inhibit presynaptic neurotransmitter release (Depolarization induced Supression of Inhibition/Excitation)
Depolarization induced suppression of inhibition (DSI)
The First Problem
Cannabinoids Endocannabinoids Synthetic cannabinoids
Direct modulation of ligand-gated ion channels: Acetylcholine receptor, Serotonin 5HT 3 receptor (frog oocyte experiments)
Direct modulation of ligand-gated ion channels: Acetylcholine receptor, Serotonin 5HT 3 receptor (frog oocyte experiments)
Research questions Do cannabinoids modulate GABAergic synaptic transmission by a direct action on ionotropic GABA A receptors? If yes, what does this modulation mean for local neuronal circuits
CB 1 R agonists modulate currents through recombinant GABA A R
Cannabinoids show CB1 receptor independent reduction of GABA A mediated response
Experimental Procedure Paired recordings from a FS interneuron innervating a pyramidal neuron
Cannabinoids show CB1 receptor independent reduction of GABA A mediated response
Postsynaptic depolarization causes a CB 1 R-independent suppression of inhibitory synaptic transmission.
Endocannabinoid synthesis and degradation Diacylglycerol Lipase (DAGL) Monoacylglycerol Lipase (MAGL) Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)
Anandamide synthesis and degradation
Postsynaptic depolarization causes a CB 1 R-independent suppression of inhibitory synaptic transmission. RHC80267 & THL: Diacylglycerol Lipase inhibitors URB602 Monoacylglycerol Lipase inhibitor Nimesulide: Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor
Modulation of microcircuit coupling by cannabinoids
The effect of CP on hippocampal CCK-positive interneuron to CA1 pyramidal neuron connections in wild-type, CB 1 R -/- and GABA A R a 2 -/- mice.
Potentiation of extrasynaptic GABA A Rs by endocannabinoids
Dual effect of cannabinoids on GABA A Rs
Conclusions These results indicate that: 1.Cannabinoids in addition to the presynaptic (retrograde) mode of action, can suppress inhibition by a direct modulation of postsynaptic GABA A receptors. 2. Suppression of inhibition by a direct modulation of postsynaptic GABA A receptors has a high impact on a neuronal network activity providing a new dimension in cannabinoid signaling.
Golovko Tatiana Heidelberg University Falconer Caroline Dundee University Min Rogier Lozovaya NataliaVrije Universiteit Amsterdam Burnashev NailInstitut de Neurobiologie de la Méditerranée
Depolarization induced suppression of inhibition (DSI) R I Wilson, R A Nicoll Science 2002;296:
Chronic Suppression of Inhibition (CSI) WT CB1 KO Control AM 251
Chronic suppression of inhibition (CSI) ? Pre- or postsynaptic origin? Suitable candidate(s) for mediating the effect ? Presynaptic calcium regulation?
CCK (CB1R +) interneurons CCK Location Firing pattern Asynchronous release Recording protocol 20 mV 200 ms
SR/AM Blocking CB1Rs relieves CSI
IPSCs potentiated in WT but not CB1 KO mice
THL Blocking 2-AG synthesis has no effect on CSI 2AG THL
Chelation of presynaptic calcium potentiates IPSCs CCK PYR AM251
A presynaptic calcium-dependent process suppresses IPSCs AM EGTA
Half maximal IPSC potentiation with 0.1 mM BAPTA
Brief extracellular BAPTA application potentiates IPSCs CCK BAPTA 10 mM PYR
CSI time course AEA/2-AG/CP +
AEA a potential candidate mediating CSI
Presynaptic calcium regulation: frequency dependence CCK PYR CB1R GABAbR 7 s12 s30 s7 s
What : CSI Where : Presynaptic Who : Anandamide Why:
Perisomatic inhibition Freund T and Katona, Neuron 2007; 56:33-42
Synaptic inputs Freund T, TINS 2003;
. When: In vivo firing patterns
Bolshakov Alex Falconer Caroline Carl HolmgrenDundee University