Session 3: UA/SDAIE Lesson Planning Protocol - Language Objective Title III Access to Core Professional Development Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support Language Acquisition Branch
Long Range Goals Achieve consistency and continuity in our understanding of SDAIE and how we communicate it to all stakeholders. Implement effective district-wide use of SDAIE to provide access to core curriculum for English learners. Build a Culturally Relevant and Responsive (CRRE) learning environment incorporating the different ways our students learn, behave, and use communicative language patterns.
Objectives 1.Review English learner characteristics by proficiency level. 2.Understand the role of a language objective in a SDAIE lesson. 3.Analyze a Math lesson to identify the language demands.
Review 3 C’s & I Draw a card Think about the features of the SDAIE element and a practical application Partner share – Find someone with a different element - Define the element - Share a practical application using the language form printed on the back of the card Switch cards when the signal is given and repeat the process with a new partner C ontent C onnections C omprehensibility I nteraction
Gr. 3 Math Lesson C ontent Review the lesson to identify the 3C’s and I
Gr. 3 Math Lesson C onnections I nteraction C omprehensibility C ontent C omprehensibility I nteraction C omprehensibility
SDAIE Gr.3 Math Lesson The What
The How
Language Assembly Task
Choose a shoe Write your responses on the handout Use complete sentences for #2 through #7
Language Assembly Task Debrief Group Share
Language Assembly Task Debrief 1. What did you draw upon for your responses? 2. What question was the easiest? Why? 3. What question was the most challenging? Why?
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Language Function – purpose for communicating Social – “Would you like to go to the movies? (inquiring) Academic – “What is the life cycle of a frog?” (inquiring)
English Learner Characteristics
Table Activity EL Characteristics Sort Lay out the flashcards Pull out the header cards (color) and lay them out as follows Read through the descriptors and decide the appropriate placement IntermediateAdvanced
Table Activity EL Characteristics Sort Check your answers
Need - Build background knowledge - Repetition - Vocabulary development - Scaffolds for complex language structures Need - Look for ways to contextualize the text (idioms, complex structures, abstract concepts) - Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) i.e., inference, drawing conclusions, etc… Need - Primary language Support (L1) - Frontloading vocabulary and concepts
Self-Reflection 1. What was reaffirmed? 2. What was a new learning? 3. What do you still need to think about?
SDAIE Lesson Study Identifying Language Demands
SDAIE Gr.3 Math Lesson
Language Objective Review the standards What are the active verbs in the standards?
Review each part of the lesson to identify the overarching language demand of the lesson What is the language function? Language Objective
Review the standards
Language Objective Review the content objective MR 1.1 “Analyze problems by identifying relationships, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, sequencing and prioritizing information, and observing patterns.” Express the place value of each digit The number ___ has three digits. The __ is in the ___ place. The digit that has the greatest value is the __.
Table Activity Look at the Guided Practice (#5 - #7) and Independent Practice (#20 & #22) sections Identify additional language forms to support the learner Chart your ideas Group share
Objectives 1.Review English learner characteristics by proficiency level. 2.Understand the role of a language objective in a SDAIE lesson. 3.Analyze a Math lesson to identify the language demands.