Last Updated: 09/12/061 DePaul News & Events How to Subscribe and Access Content
2 Click Here OR Click Here Get started by clicking on Subscribe in DePaul News and Events or in the main menu:
3 Step 1: Click on the checkbox next to the channels you would like to subscribe to. To view a description of the channel, click on the channel name. Click on Save when complete. Use Select All or Clear All to help modify your choices.
4 Step 2: After clicking save, your chosen channels will appear under “My Subscribed Channels.” Next, click on Category Subscriptions to subscribe by categories.
5 Step 3: Click on the checkbox next to the categories you would like to subscribe to. To view a description of the category, click on the category name. Click on Save when complete. Use Select All or Clear All to help modify your choices.
6 Step 4: After clicking save, your chosen categories will appear under “My Subscribed Categories.” Next, click on Prioritize to rank your subscriptions choices.
7 Step 5: If desired, rank your chosen channels and categories so that the preferred items appear first in your DePaul News and Events. Number each item, starting with 1 for the most important under the Priority column. Click Save when complete. Click on Digest to receive a weekly summary.
8 Step 6: If desired, choose the day of the week you would like to receive an summarizing information you are subscribed to. Uncheck any channel or category you do NOT want included in the digest. Click on Save when complete. Click Return to DePaul News and Events to go back to the main Campus Connection homepage. Note: The will be sent to your preferred address in Campus Connection. (To check your preferred , go to Demographic Portfolio in the main menu, and choose addresses).
9 Accessing Content: Once you complete your subscription choices, your subscribed content will appear in your DePaul News and Events. Click on a date to view content below the calendar. Click on the blue subject text of a posting to read the entire content. Event = blue dot Important date reminder = red dot Clickable subject line