v1.00 © 2009 Research In Motion Limited Introduction to BlackBerry Smartphone Web Development—The BlackBerry Infrastructure Trainer name Date
© 2009 Research In Motion Limited Agenda In this course, you will cover the following topics: –Introduction to Mobile Device web development –Web development tools for mobile devices –The BlackBerry® Infrastructure –Optimizing Web Content for Mobile Device Browsers –Introduction to Browser Push –Widgets
Introduction to BlackBerry Smartphone Web Development Objectives –Describe the BlackBerry Infrastructure (BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution and BlackBerry® Internet Service) –Explain how BlackBerry Infrastructure and mobile application development differ from computer web development and Internet connectivity –Describe the BlackBerry® Browser capabilities and configurations
Introduction to BlackBerry Infrastructure Two most common ways that BlackBerry® smartphones receive data from an organization and the Internet are through: –BlackBerry Enterprise Solution –BlackBerry Internet Service © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution –A robust software that acts as the centralized link between wireless devices, wireless networks, and enterprise applications –The server integrates with messaging and collaboration systems to provide mobile users with access to messages, instant messaging, and personal management information tools © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution components ComponentFunction BlackBerry Administration Service Connects to BlackBerry Configuration Database to manage the BlackBerry Domain BlackBerry Attachment Service Converts supported message attachments to viewable format on BlackBerry smartphones BlackBerry Collaboration Service Provides a connection between instant messaging server and collaboration client BlackBerry Configuration Database Provides details about connection from BlackBerry Enterprise Server to wireless network, user list, address mappings BlackBerry ControllerMonitors BlackBerry Enterprise Server components and restarts them BlackBerry DispatcherCompresses and encrypts data sent between BlackBerry smartphones © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution components ComponentFunction BlackBerry MDS Application Console Sends requests to a BlackBerry MDS Integration Service BlackBerry MDS Connection Service Permits users to access web content, Internet, and intranets BlackBerry MDS Integration Service Provides application-level integration for BlackBerry Browser applications BlackBerry Messaging Agent Connects to messaging server to provide messaging services and acts as gateway for BlackBerry Synchronization Service BlackBerry Monitoring Service Web-based application that monitors the BlackBerry Domain © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution components ComponentFunction BlackBerry Monitoring Service database Stores information about an organization’s BlackBerry Enterprise Server environment BlackBerry Policy ServiceSends IT policies and IT administration commands and provisions service books BlackBerry RouterConnects to the wireless network to send data to and from BlackBerry smartphones BlackBerry Synchronization Service Synchronizes organizer data between BlackBerry smartphones and the messaging server over wireless network BlackBerry® Desktop Manager Web-based application that permits users to manage their BlackBerry smartphones © 2009 Research In Motion Limited IT information technology
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution components ComponentFunction Organization’s application serverProvides push applications and intranet content that the BlackBerry MDS Services use Instant messaging serverStores instant messaging accounts Messaging serverStores accounts User’s computer with BlackBerry Device Manager Hosts the BlackBerry Device Manager and permits users to connect their BlackBerry smartphones to their computers using a serial or USB connection © 2009 Research In Motion Limited USB universal serial bus
BlackBerry Mobile Data System –An optimized framework for creating, deploying, and managing applications for the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution –BlackBerry MDS Services for managing requests and interactions between BlackBerry smartphones and enterprise applications behind a firewall –Tools and software to develop and run applications for BlackBerry smartphones © 2009 Research In Motion Limited MDS Mobile Data System
BlackBerry MDS Services Communicate with application servers using SOAP, Custom Data, XML, HTML, and WML with HTTP © 2009 Research In Motion Limited SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol XML Extensible Markup Language HTML Hypertext Markup Language WML Wireless Markup Language HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
BlackBerry Connect Software BlackBerry® Connect Software: –Provides push delivery technology and connects BlackBerry smartphone users to BlackBerry Enterprise Server and BlackBerry Internet Service –BlackBerry Enterprise Server software integrates an organization’s infrastructure with the BlackBerry Infrastructure © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution data flow © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution data flow 1. message is compressed, encrypted using AES or Triple DES, and sent to wireless network. 2.Wireless network sends message to Internet through BlackBerry Infrastructure. 3. message reaches sender’s firewall and passes through outbound connection to BlackBerry Enterprise Server. 4.BlackBerry Enterprise Server decrypts, decompresses, and sends message to Outbox folder. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited AES Advanced Encryption Standard Triple DES Triple Data Encryption Standard
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution data flow 5. message travels across Internet as SMTP traffic to receiver’s firewall. 6.BlackBerry Enterprise Server monitors receiver’s mailbox, retrieves message, compresses and encrypts the first 2Kb of message, and queues it for delivery. 7.Receiver’s BlackBerry smartphone receives, decrypts, and decompresses message. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
BlackBerry Internet Service BlackBerry Browser features: –BlackBerry Browser uses BlackBerry Internet Service as a gateway to the Internet and is hosted by the BlackBerry Infrastructure. –BlackBerry Internet Service differs from BlackBerry MDS as it does not require the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and is not used through the organization’s firewall. –BlackBerry Internet Service does not support Triple DES encryption and secure sites (HTTPs) are not available. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Internet Service –Communicates with the BlackBerry Infrastructure using HTTP over the RIM ® IPPP –Preprocesses and compresses HTML or XHTML content before sending it to the BlackBerry smartphone, which speeds up transfers –Sends processed content to the BlackBerry smartphone as it becomes available –Optimizes images for display on BlackBerry smartphone © 2009 Research In Motion Limited RIM Research in Motion IPPP IPPP Internet Protocol Proxy Protocol XHTML Extensible HyperText Markup Language
BlackBerry Internet Service –Processes and transmits images with content to help reduce network traffic –Transcodes specific content types for appropriate display on the BlackBerry smartphone –Permits BlackBerry smartphone users to associate their BlackBerry smartphones with an address in the blackberry.net domain –Permits BlackBerry smartphone users to associate up to ten work or personal accounts with a BlackBerry smartphone © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Internet Service Permits BlackBerry smartphone users to: –Experience push delivery of messages –Access attachments and images wirelessly in popular formats –Access HTML and WAP web pages using the BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing service © 2009 Research In Motion Limited WAP Wireless Application Protocol
BlackBerry Internet Service –BlackBerry Infrastructure interacts with BlackBerry Internet Servers that are maintained by RIM® and administered by each wireless service provider. –Permits subscribers to resend service books to their BlackBerry smartphones and create message filters. –BlackBerry Internet Service compresses messages before sending them to the wireless network, but does not encrypt content. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Internet Service data flow © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Internet Service data flow 1. message is compressed and sent to wireless network. 2.Wireless network sends message to the BlackBerry Infrastructure. 3.BlackBerry Internet Service decompresses the message and delivers it to receiver’s messaging server. 4.BlackBerry Internet Service monitors receiver’s accounts and retrieves message. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Internet Service data flow 5.BlackBerry Internet Service compresses first 2Kb of the message and queues it for delivery. 6.BlackBerry Infrastructure sends the message to the wireless network. 7.Wireless network receives the message and forwards it to receiver’s BlackBerry smartphone. 8.Receiver’s BlackBerry smartphone receives and decompresses the message and sends acknowledgement of receipt. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry web development BlackBerry web development permits you to: –Create browser-based applications and deploy them with minimal effort –Leverage industry standards from HTML to AJAX –Push data to user devices and leverage offline queuing –Create web applications that are easily accessible through BlackBerry Infrastructure © 2009 Research In Motion Limited AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
BlackBerry web development platform features –Web signal content updates that push data directly to BlackBerry smartphone users –Push technology that allows you to send information to the browser using channel, cache, and message push regardless of back-end server technology –Offline queuing that automatically queues pages for submittal when reentering the coverage area –BlackBerry Browser, and BlackBerry Java® ME to simplify development © 2009 Research In Motion Limited Java ME Java Micro Edition
BlackBerry web development tools –BlackBerry® Web Plug-in for Eclipse® is for developing, debugging, and profiling web applications, and includes a BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator. –BlackBerry® Web Plug-in for Microsoft® Visual Studio® provides an optimized, integrated web development, debugging, and profiling environment © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
Mobile infrastructure and Internet connectivity –BlackBerry Infrastructure supports communication with BlackBerry smartphones over wireless networks through a secure connection from behind a firewall. –Internet connectivity is based on TCP/IP and the Open Systems Interconnection model which defines Internet working in vertical layers. –OSI upper layers are Application, Presentation, and Session for encryption and connection management. –OSI lower layers are Transport, Network, Data Link, and Physical for routing, addressing, and flow control. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol OSI Open Systems Interconnection
BlackBerry Browser BlackBerry Browser physical components include: –BlackBerry smartphones –Wireless network –Network gateway Network gateways connect the wireless networks, over which BlackBerry smartphones communicate. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
Network gateways A gateway converts incoming content into a suitable form for the BlackBerry smartphone and converts outgoing content into a form suitable for destination web servers and pages. BlackBerry smartphones access the Internet through the following network gateways: –BlackBerry MDS Connection Service –BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing –WAP © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry MDS Connection Service –Designed to provide users with secure access to their organization’s intranet and access to the Internet –A component of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server that exists behind the firewall of an organization’s network –Acts as a proxy for and makes requests on behalf of the BlackBerry Browser –Optimizes content to enhance efficiency and improve display on smaller screens before sending content to browser © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry MDS Connection Service –BlackBerry Browser accesses BlackBerry MDS Connection Service network gateway using the BlackBerry Browser configuration. –BlackBerry Browser configuration communicates with the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service using HTTP/IPPP. –To browse the Internet or intranet through the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service network gateway, users must specify the BlackBerry Browser configuration in the Browser configuration settings. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing –Wireless service providers can use the BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing network gateway to offer BlackBerry smartphone users access to content optimization and compression features provided by the BlackBerry Infrastructure without using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. –BlackBerry Browser accesses the BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing network gateway using the Internet browser configuration, which communicates with the gateway using HTTP/IPPP. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
WAP network gateway –Hosted by wireless service providers –BlackBerry Browser accesses the WAP network gateway using the WAP Browser configuration. –To browse the Internet through a WAP network gateway, users must specify the WAP configuration in the Browser Configuration settings. –WAP Browser configuration supports the WAP version and WAP version 2.0 protocols. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
Network gateway configurations Users can choose which gateway the BlackBerry Browser communicates with by choosing the associated configuration: –WAP Browser configuration accesses bookmarks provided by Internet service providers –Internet Browser configuration accesses Internet content –BlackBerry Browser configuration accesses an organization’s intranet © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Browser configuration Browser types are distinguished by their transport. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited WiFi ® Wireless Fidelity WLAN wireless local area network
BlackBerry Browser configuration –BlackBerry Browser breaks out to the Internet at the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service of the BlackBerry Enterprise. –BlackBerry Browser optimizes data by compression, encryption, and transcoding. –Internet Browser breaks out to the Internet at the BlackBerry Internet Service. –Because of reduced optimization and shorter signaling length, Internet Browser is a faster browser. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
Service books –Availability of browsers is governed by available service books on the BlackBerry smartphone. –BlackBerry Browser is associated with Desktop[IPPP] and Desktop[BrowserConfig] service books. –Desktop[IPPP] identifies transport and Desktop[BrowserConfig] stores the configuration. –BlackBerry Browser service books originate from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
BlackBerry Internet Browser service books –Internet Browser is associated with BlackBerry Internet Browsing Service[IPPP] and BlackBerry Internet Browsing service[BrowserConfig]. –These service books are sent out by the BlackBerry Internet Solution architecture. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
© 2009 Research In Motion Limited Summary In this chapter, you learned about the BlackBerry Infrastructure: –To reduce costs and increase data transmission speeds, the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution compresses data sent to and received from BlackBerry smartphones. –BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing was developed to use the BlackBerry Internet Service as a gateway to the Internet and is hosted by the BlackBerry Infrastructure.
Summary –The BlackBerry Internet Service does not require the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. –The BlackBerry MDS is an optimized framework for creating, deploying, and managing applications for the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution. –The BlackBerry development platform includes BlackBerry Browser, Java ME. –Internet connectivity is based on the standardize TCP/IP protocol suite and OSI model. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited
Summary –The BlackBerry Browser operates in a wireless browsing environment consisting of BlackBerry smartphones, wireless networks, and network gateways. –The BlackBerry Browser breaks out to the Internet at the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service of the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution. © 2009 Research In Motion Limited