Bramble Opportunities
Bramble industry in NC: -100 acres acres 2002 (approx) -90% blackberries -Arkansas varieties
Brambles are good for you…..
Terminal market prices
Market opportunities PYO and pre-pick on farm Restaurants Grocery chains Local markets Processing Specialty markets
Brambles are “Specialty” Crops
Value Added Potential
Marketable yield (lbs/plant)
Climatic requirements Raspberries Cool summers, sustained cold winter temperatures Blackberries High temperatures, tolerates fluctuating winter temperatures
Cultivars Select cultivar for local conditions and markets Test new cultivars on limited basis to observe performance
Raspberry varieties by region Mountains and foothills Reveille, Latham, Citadel, Mandarin, Autumn Bliss, Cherokee, Summit, Red Wing, Heritage, Ruby, Nordic, Nova, Caroline, Josephine, Anne?? Piedmont Southland, Dormanred, Mandarin Heritage, Caroline, Josephine, Anne?? Coastal Plain Dormanred
Blackberry varieties by region Mountains and foothills Brazos, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Darrow, Navaho, Apache, Ouachita and Chickasaw??? Piedmont and Coastal Plain all of the above and Arapaho, Apache, Black Satin, Boysenberry, Chester, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Comanche, Hull, Kiowa, Ouachita, Shawnee
Inputs: Plants Irrigation equipment Chemicals Trellis Pruning supplies Picking containers Labor
Labor INTENSIVE Planting Pest and weed control Pruning and training Harvest
Planting stock Plugs (from TC), handles, suckers, root cuttings, tips, transplants Good quality,reputable source,disease free, true-to-type “Certified” plants Virus indexed, grown in conditions to limit virus infection, superior growth, derived from tissue culture plants Place orders early Fall or spring planting
Nurseries selling brambles mfruit-index.html database.xls uits/Blackberries/licensedprop.asp
For more information Web sites NCCES (blackberry and raspberry HIL’s) pubs.html AG publications (NCCES) Growing raspberries in North Carolina Blackberry production in North Carolina (out of print, but on WWW)
For more information Grower organizations North American Bramble Growers Association ( Other publications Commercial Bramble Culture, Univ. Georgia ( Brambles - Production Management and Marketing Bulletin Ohio State Univ. Bramble Production Guide NRAES, 152 Riley Robb Hall, Cooperative Extension, Ithaca, NY