GETS Transformation Kick Off Active Directory eMail and Blackberry Migration Firewall and Network Changes 04/21/2010 1
GETS Transformation Kick Off Active Directory Ray Louder 04/21/2010 2
GETS Integrated Projects
Active Directory (AD) Project Overview AD is a Security and Authentication Database that provides security and authentication for any object that subscribes to the service Users, workstations, servers and applications are examples The AD services consolidation project will ensure a highly robust directory services platform Dynamic in nature to allow for changes in Federal and State guidelines and regulations such as FIPS and NIST Standards 4
Active Directory (AD) Project Overview Multiple directory services will be consolidated into a single, enterprise directory Coinciding with the implementation of a well-managed resource access (security) plan Flexibility to integrate various applications and other directory services within the environment Agencies will retain their separate identity within the enterprise directory via Organizational Units (OU), benefiting from improved reliability, operational efficiencies and security Organizational Units (OU) – A grouping of like objects. Servers, workstations, groups/user accounts are Agency OU examples. 5
AD Organizational Units (OU)
Active Directory – During Transformation Central Active Directory established at the NADC Disaster Recovery facility located in Boulder Trusts are established between agencies and the central Active Directory Trusts allow current activity to continue and will support Application Remediation After Application Remediation, the server use of Active Directory will reside at the NADC Trusts will remain until all End User Computing Re-IPing is complete for an agency Trusts: Lines of communication between two Active Directory domains. In this project, established trusts are between legacy agency and new Active Directory 7
Active Directory – Commonly Asked Questions Will my password change? Existing agency password policies will be maintained during and after transformation to the new Active Directory environment. Will I need to be re-authenticated for any applications? No. Application Remediation will/should account for this transfer of the existing application authentication to the new Active Directory environment. 8
Active Directory – Commonly Asked Questions Will the extranet user have management rights into the new AD? No. Management Tools will be put in place to allow the segregation of duties and rights to these Forests. 9
GETS Transformation Kick Off eMail and Blackberry Migration Ray Louder 04/21/2010 10
eMail and Blackberry Migration This project will consolidate separate agency email systems into a single, enterprise Microsoft Exchange system Over 400 email servers will be reduced to 28 Outdated Exchange, Groupwise and Blackberry servers will be replaced to provide benefits including: High availability Enterprise-wide email and address book Increased support and reliability Flexible, scalable messaging environment Improved security
eMail and Blackberry Migration Mail box and attachment size limits have been defined to: Manage growth and assist agencies in controlling budgets Speed time to recovery – ensure that servers can be backed up within allocated time windows and quickly restored in the event of a failure 500MB mailbox limit for standard users,1G for VIPs 10MB attachment size limit Agencies will be given 90 days for pre-migration activities Mailbox clean-up and size reduction, archiving
eMail Migration – Commonly Asked Questions When will we be moving to a enterprise email system? Migrations will take place over the next year beginning in July Is there a migration plan for email from one system to another? Yes. Each agency will receive detailed instructions to migrate their users based on their existing email system Will distribution lists, both GroupWise and Exchange, be converted into the new system? Yes. Both GroupWise and Exchange distribution lists will be migrated whether they are local or server based
Draft eMail/Blackberry Timelines
Current DRAFT EMAIL/Blackberry Timeline Migration dates for first four agencies baselined as of 02/12/2010
Current DRAFT EMAIL/Blackberry Timeline* *Baseline Migration dates will be established as IP remediation timeline is finalized
Current DRAFT EMAIL/Blackberry Timeline* (*) Baseline Migration dates will be established as IP remediation timeline is finalized
Current DRAFT EMAIL/Blackberry Timeline* *Baseline Migration dates will be established as IP remediation timeline is finalized
GETS Transformation Kick Off Network and Firewall Jeff Collins April 21, 2010 19 19
AT&T Transformation Strategy Network and Firewall Migration Move to new, standard platforms to reduce intervals for orders, changes, and incidents Increased capacity, scalability of services, and additional options for agencies Increased redundancy and disaster recovery capabilities Better tools to enhance network and security visibility
WAN, Security and Internet Cutover Definition Implementation of Security Nodes – Managed Network-Based Firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, URL Filtering, and routing of inter-agency traffic AT&T will implement logical separation of all Enterprise agency traffic on Capitol Hill network Traffic isolation is a predecessor to firewall migration, consolidation of services to NADC, and Capitol Hill redesign Agency Impacts Firewall rules from remote sites and headend site are consolidated. As IP’s change during SCON, firewall rules will need updating for Internet-facing devices Benefits Increased capacity/redundancy, reduced intervals for changes, more efficient traffic routing
DNS/DHCP and IP Address Management Definition Primary DNS/DHCP will be at NADC, secondary servers in Boulder IP address management will be consolidated into single database for Enterprise agencies DNS information and DHCP scopes will be loaded in advance and verified prior to cutover Agency Impacts DNS server IP addressing will change after migration Server IP address changes will need to include DNS updates Active Directory services integrated with AT&T DNS Agency end user device IP addresses may change after migrations Benefits Increased redundancy, faster provisioning, better control of IP addressing and DNS environment
Questions? Find presentations from today’s Transformation Kick-off and much more GETS-related info on GTA’s Web site: 23 23