Lou Pope, Eric VanAlstyne, Macaria Verner, and Bailey Vos
Agenda 1. Background 2. Current Big Picture 3. Analysis of Current Big Picture 4. Revised Big Picture 5. Conclusion
PART 1: Background Blackberry Playbook
Background 1999 – Blackberry enters the telecommunications industry introducing the Blackberry – Blackberry introduces its first line of Smartphones – Blackberry grows at a rapid rate and reports 1 million new subscribers in 1 quarter – Blackberry introduces the Blackberry Playbook – Blackberry stocks begin to decline drastically.
PART 2: Current Big Picture Blackberry Playbook
What is the Blackberry Playbook? Blackberry Advertisement
Business Objective Blackberry Playbook Communication/ Entertainment Technology Increase Market Share Marketing Objective Acquisition Source of Volume Steal Share from all Tablet Creators MV: Take your life with you DV: Portable, Quality, Compact, and Convenient Segment Amber Collins Target Blackberry Playbook is great for taking your life on the go. Position Search Product Competitive Pricing PricePlace Information, Behavior Promotion STP Execute Current Big Picture
Current: Business Objective Fundamental Entity: BlackBerry Playbook (RIM)Core Competence: Communication and Entertainment TechnologyGoal: Gain market share in tablet industry
Current: Marketing Objective Acquisition
Current: Source of Volume Steal ShareCategory Definition: Tablet CreatorsCompetition in this Segment: All Tablets
Current: B2B2B 312 Million Americans 10.8% own a Tablet 33.7 Million Tablet Users Users 5% of Playbook Market Share $299 per Blackberry Playbook 1.7 Million Blackberry Playbook Users $508 Million in Revenue Bodies Behaviors Bucks X X X=
Current: Segment Main Variable: Need to take your life on the goDynamic Variable: Portable, Quality, Compact, and Convenient
Current: Target Amber Collins Realtor Lives in New York City Mother of three Married for 6 years Enjoys her weekly wine night on Skype with college friends Never leaves the house without her phone Loves to watch movies
Current: Position
Current: Execute Product/ Service: Search Price: Competitive Pricing Promotion: Information, Behavior
Current: Product/ Service credence RetentionAcquisition Stimulate Demand Steal Share Marketing Objective Source Of Volume search, (compare to competitor) Search, experience experience, (compare to competitor)
Current: Price Ipad 3Motorola XoomBlackberry Playbook Price$699$499$299 Size64 GB
Current: Promotion Promotion: Information, BehavioralCompact Communication and EntertainmentNo Consumer or Trade Promotion
Business Objective Blackberry Playbook Communication/ Entertainment Technology Increase Market Share Marketing Objective Acquisition Source of Volume Steal Share from all Tablet Creators MV: Take your life with you DV: Portable, Quality, Compact, and Convenient Segment Amber Collins Target Blackberry Playbook is great for taking your life on the go. Position Search Product Competitive Pricing PricePlace Information, Behavior Promotion STP Execute Current Big Picture
PART 3: Analysis and Impediments of Current Big Picture Blackberry Playbook
Impediment Currently stealing share from a narrow market: Tablet Industry Apple, Android, Microsoft, etc. Multiple dynamic variables, that are all easily replicated Restricted target audience Positioning is currently targeted towards multiple dynamic variables
PART 4: Revised Big Picture Blackberry Playbook
Business Objective Blackberry Playbook Communication & Entertainment Increase Market Share by 30% Marketing Objective Acquisition Source of Volume Steal Share from tablets, eReaders, and SmartPhones MV: Take your life with you DV: Affordability Segment Sobieraj Family TargetPosition Search Product Competitive PricePlace Information, Behavior Promotion STP Execute Revised Big Picture The Blackberry Playbook is an affordable communication and entertainment tool
Revised: Source of Volume Steal ShareCategory Definition: Portable Communication and EntertainmentCompetition in this Segment: Tablets & eReaders
Revised: B2B2B 312 Million Americans 28% own a Tablet or eReader Million Tablet and eReader Users 30% of Tablet and eReader, Market Share $299 per Blackberry Playbook 26 Million Blackberry Playbook Users $783 Billion in Revenue Bodies Behaviors Bucks X X X=
Revised: Segment Main Variable: Need for communication and entertainment where ever you are. Dynamic Variable: Affordability
Revised: Target The Sobierajs Married for 25 years 2 daughters in college They take an annual vacation to the Wisconsin Dells Live in the Chicago Suburbs Both parents hold steady jobs Extended family lives across the country
Revised: Position
PART 5: Conclusion Blackberry Playbook
Conclusion Source of Volume Steal Share from Tablets & eReaders Segment Affordability Target Sobieraj Family Position Affordable Communication and Entertainment