Evelyn Rodriguez
Abstract My project is focused on which smartphone our enterprise should standardize on. I will show different types of smart phones and make a recommendation on which one I think is best.
Strengths/Weaknesses of Android Smartphones According to Amber Viescas, the strengths of the Android is that it is a platform that is not in one type of phone. So there are many different models in many price ranges. In the article “What are the pros and cons of owning an Android phone? “Ian Hamilton states that the android is fast and has many capabilities and excellent voice recognition. Users also have the freedom of customization. There are always new versions coming out with enhanced features. Viescas says that creating and naming folders in the Android platform is bulky. Because Androids let you customize your phone, you can mess it up if you don’t have technical knowledge. Hamilton says that there is also trouble identifying a specific set of pros and cons because there are so many devices using android. Also, with new versions constantly coming out, people with older versions of the phone miss out on new features.
Opportunities/Threats of Android Smartphones Oppurtunities Android phones are good for the enterprise because they have a wide variety of devices. We can find a variety of smartphones with great price ranges. Threats Because Androids are coming out with new versions frequently, it can be hard to keep up with them and enjoy newer features.
Strengths/Weaknesses of the iPhone There are many features on the iPhone that make it one of the most popular smart phones. With the iPhone, you get a vast array of apps. Current models of the iPhone contain Flash for websites. In the article “Android vs.iPhone:Zealotry-free pros and cons” Dwight Silverman states that the pros of the iPhone are that the software and hardware are made to work in union, resulting in a solid platform. The apps work better and are more secure because all apps have to be approved by Apple first. Apple also provides many updates free of charge. The weaknesses of the iPhone are that there are not many devices with different price ranges like the Android. The screen is also not as bright as recent models of Windows phones. Silverman states that one major con is that iPhones screens are not that big, while Android has models that have much bigger screens.
Opportunities/Threats of iPhones There are many major opportunities for using iPhones in the enterprise. One of them is that they have so many features and many cutting-edge apps. iPhones can help employees stay organized. One negative aspect in having iPhones in the enterprise is that they are constantly coming out with new models. Previous versions of iPhones are seen as outdated once new models come out.
Strengths/Weaknesses of Microsoft Mobile As an owner of a Windows phone, I believe that they are excellent phones for office use. Many new models have Microsoft Office, which enable you to edit files like excel, and Powerpoint in the palm of your hand. It is very easy to send and receive s. In the article “Windows Phone 7: Pros and cons for enterprise users”, Scott Lowe states that one weakness of Windows phones are that the Operating system is more focused on the consumer rather than the enterprise. Lowe states that Windows need to put enterprise features like the iPhone and Android devices.
Opportunities/Threats of Windows Phones One major opportunity involving the Windows phone is that they will try to find ways to compete with Androids and iPhones. In the article “Opportunities Emerge for Windows Phone” Carl Weinschenk reports that Windows is releasing Mango, which is an update to the current operating system. They are also planning to release Windows 8 next year. In the future Windows phones could bring serious competition in the smartphone marketplace. There are various threats to the progress of these phones. One of them is that they are still behind their competitors, and it could be difficult for them to catch up when Androids and iPhones are constantly upgrading their software.
Strengths/Weaknesses of Blackberry Blackberrys are typically seen as the phone that businesses use. In the article "Android vs. Blackberry: Mobile OS pros and cons”, Paul Nunal writes about how Blackberrys are geared towards the corporate world. Their strengths are that they get messages in an instant. They are also durable and have a good battery life. They have the ability to compress data. There are a couple of weaknesses involving blackberries, one of them is that they don’t have as much features as other smartphones do. Nunal states that because they put so much emphasis on making it corporate friendly, they failed to make it a phone for ordinary people. He also states that they do not have a good selection of apps, and the web browser can freeze up a lot.
Opportunities/ Threats of Blackberries The opportunities of Blackberries to improve business is that they are still the ideal phone for corporations. They have many features that help employees perform important tasks. The threats that involve Blackberries is that the iPhone is developing more apps and software that are aimed towards the corporate world. This could threated the Blackberries position as the leader of corporate devices.
Recommendation I recommend the enterprise to standardize on the iPhone, because while it is not typically viewed as the ideal phone for businesses, I think that workers will benefit from the vast array of features that it has, such as facetime, a faster web browser, and a large number of apps.
References Used on 11/28/ pros-and-cons-of-owning-an-android-phone-getting- mobile/4756/ iPhone-Zealotry-free-pros-and-cons php phone-7-pros-and-cons-for-enterprise-users/2069
References Used on 11/29/ /features/articles/blog/opportunities-emerge- for-windows-phone/?cs=48419&page=2 blackberry-pros-and-cons-31084/