Smartphone challenge for banks in 2011
About IND Leading European Vendor Online Banking and Mobile Banking 14 years in business, 28 banking customers Key customers: Raiffeisen Bank, Erste Bank, Intesa SanPaolo, Unicredit Bank Key differentiator is User Experience
Mobile trends
Change in the Mobile Landscape Old-style phones Phone calls SMS texting Smartphones Phone calls SMS texting Web browsing Games Weather Music Banking!
Mobile trends
Platforms ✖?✖? Android (HTC, Samsung, etc.) Blackberry iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) Symbian (Nokia) Windows Phone 7 (HTC, etc.)
Mobile Banking Technologies Android Blackberry iOS Symbian Windows Phone 7 Browser (?!) + Apps (faster, richer, better UX)
Mobile Banking Services Pay Check balance and history Download teaser app
Smartphone specific features Always- on Location Code reader Touch- to-call
Payments One-time money transfer Bill payments Photo-a-bill and NFC payments are coming
Bank Feed Feed the Information Like the facebook Marketing possibilities
Spending Categories
Killer apps (why use it?) Balance check Locations Payments
Bill Payment Only 1 photo and 2 clicks DONE
IND Mobile Token Functions: - One-Time Password generation - Challenge/Response - Transactions signing
IND Internet Banking
References National Bank of Oman CIB MKB FHB ZUNO Banca Transilvania
Speakerwiki oldal
Dr. Balázs Vinnai CEO