ancient very old ancientThe ancient Olympics started as a running race.
host one who provides the place for an event hostAthens was host to the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.
stadium an arena or building with rows of seats built around a field StadiumThis is the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, Canada.
compete to take part with others in a contest of skill competeMy son Luke can hardly wait to compete in wrestling this winter.
earned gained as the result of effort earnedMichael Phelps earned many gold medals in the 2004 Olympics.
record the best performance in a competition recordMichael Phelps broke the world record in the 400 meter IM.
ceremonies formal acts performed in honor of an occasion ceremoniesMedal ceremonies are held for Olympic events.
medals small, flat pieces of metal given as awards medalsThese were the Olympic medals in the 2004 Summer Olympics.
I won many swimming ______ when I was a child. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal
Charles Perry broke the ______ with a 99 yard touchdown. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal
It’s beautiful to watch a gymnast _______. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal
The _______ Greeks wore chitons. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal
Annie worked hard and ______ a great grade. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal
Turin, Italy will ____ the 2006 Winter Olympic Games. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal
Most of our high schools have their graduation __________ at the Civic Center. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal
The Salem Avalanche plays in a beautiful _______. ancient host stadium compete earned record ceremonies medal