Phrase Structure Rules Worksheet 6 Phrase Structure Rules & Simple Sentences
1. Write phrase structure rules for the following phrases. the dog in the yard the young brown dog under the big green tree very inconsiderate of him the dog under the tree with brown fur saw me NP Det N PP NP Det AP AP N PP P NP AP Deg A PP NP Det N PP PP VP V NP
2.Draw phrase structure trees for each of the following sentences. That shelf will fall. The glass broke. Mary left early. The sun dried the grapes. The judge often sentences shoplifters.
A psychic will speak to this group. The boy helped George unwillingly. George saw a black man with a dog. Marianne could become quite fond of Larry. j) Timothy drew an enormous map during the afternoon
a) S NP VP Det N Infl V That shelf will fall
b) S Infl VP NP Pst Det N V The glass broke
c) S NP Infl VP Pst AdvP N V Adv Mary left early
d) S VP Infl Pst NP NP Det N V Det N The sun dried the grapes
S e) Infl VP non-Pst NP NP Det N Qual V N The judge often sentences shoplifters
f) S VP PP NP NP Det N Infl V P Det N A psychic will speak to this group
g) S VP NP Infl Pst NP AdvP Det N V N Adv The boy helped George unwillingly
h) S VP NP Infl NP PP Pst AP NP N V Det A N P Det N George saw a black man with a dog
S i) VP AP PP NP NP N Infl V Deg A P N quite fond Marianne could be of Lary
j) S VP NP Infl Pst PP NP AP NP N V Det A N P Det N Timothy drew an enormous map during the afternoon
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