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Presentation transcript:


Reasons for the First Punic War  The First Punic War started over a silly dispute the Mamertines had with Syracuse  They had taken over Messana, soon after Hiero of Syracuse attacked and defeated them  When this happened Messana pleaded for help from Carthage and Rome

Reasons for the First Punic War cont.  The First Punic War started over a silly dispute the Mamertines had with Syracuse  They had taken over Messana, soon after Hiero of Syracuse attacked and defeated them  When this happened Messana pleaded for help from Carthage and Rome  Carthage set up a garrison in Sicily and the Mamertines, not expecting that sort of intervention asked for a treaty from the Romans  The Romans knowing this would cause war thought long and hard about their decision before capturing a Carthaginian ship and creating a force of 100 fivers(quinqueremes) and 20 Triemes during the winter of 261 to 0 BC

The First Great Victory in Roman Naval History  The Consuls of Rome during the time of the beginning of the First Punic War(Cornelius Scipio and Duilius) led ships to Messana  Scipio led with 20 ships while Dulius followed closely behind  Soon Scipio got orders to be delivered to the Carthaginian commander  Sadly these orders were leaked and the Carthaginians ambushed and captured Scipio's troops as they landed on Sicilian soil

The First Great Victory in Roman Naval History cont.  As Dulius received news of his co-consuls fate he sent his troops to the north around Sicily (trying to meet with Hannibal)  When he got to Hannibal’s men Hannibal allowed the Carthaginians to break formation being cocky  In doing this the Romans broke the first line of ships with the ingenious invention the Corvus  Once this happened Hannibal escaped on a long boat and the Romans captured 50 Carthaginian ships

The First Great Victory of Rome, pt. 3  In doing this the Romans broke the first line of ships with the ingenious invention the Corvus  Once this happened Hannibal escaped on a long boat and the Romans captured 50 Carthaginian ship

The Battle of Mylae  In 260 the next battle occurred, this was the Battle of Mylae  At the Battle of Mylae 130 Carthage ships faced 103 Roman ships  The Romans were quick and able to take control of 30 Carthaginian ships using their invention the Corvus

The Battle of Mylae cont.  In 260 the next battle occurred, this was the Battle of Mylae  At the Battle of Mylae 130 Carthage ships faced 103 Roman ships  The Romans were quick and able to take control of 30 Carthaginian ships using their invention the Corvus  The Carthaginian ships were forced to try and flank the Roman ships so as not to get caught by their Corvus  They failed and in total the Romans took control of 50 Carthaginian ships winning the battle with only 11 of their own ships lost.

Invasion of Africa  In 256 the biggest battle of the wars came to be in the form of invading Carthage  Carthaginians had the biggest fleet of the war numbering close to 350 ships strong  Rome had 330 ships  Rome eventually won this battle but did not succeed in invading Africa  While returning the Roman consul attempted to intimidate the Carthaginians by sailing west to east on the Sicilian coast, yet a storm came and as much as 3 quarters of the romans ships were lost

The Capturing of Segesta  After his triumph Dulius broke away from following Hannibal to save the city of Segesta from siege  After the saving the city he returned to Italy victorious and the captured Carthaginian ships were put on display in the forum  Oddly enough after returning he was never given another commission

The Battle of the Aegates Islands  In 242 B.C.E. the Romans began to set up a fleet to conquer the Mediterranean  Numbering around 200 quinqueremes the roman fleet was well trained in Roman waters prior to leaving to blockade Lilybaeum  The Carthaginian fleet numbered 250 ships but was lacking in men and the ships were weighed down with resources meant for Lilybaeum  As the Romans got wind of the Carthaginian presence they headed south to meet them in battle

The Battle of the Aegates Islands cont.  On March 10, 241 B.C.E. the Carthaginian’s got a strong wind to carry them into the bay of Lilybaeum  As the wind was in the Carthaginian favor going against the Romans they removed mast and became very agile with only rowers.  Going to towards the Carthaginian fleet they swept them out and it is approximated they lost up to 125 ships to the Roman 30

Ending of the war  The Battle of the Aegates Islands caused the Carthaginians to surrender paying out land and a sizeable amount of money to the Romans  Also promising they would never attack Sicily again