Anglo Saxon Poetry Social Hierarchy Themes Beowulf 101 Anglo Saxon Poetry Social Hierarchy Themes
ða wæs on uhtan mid ærdæge Then as dawn brightened and the day broke Grendles guðcræft gumum undyrne; Grendel’s powers of destruction were plain: þa wæs æfter wiste wop up ahafen, Their wassail was over, they wept to heaven micel morgensweg. Mære þeoden, and mourned under morning. Their mighty price … At daybreak, with the sun’s first light, they saw How well he had worked, and in that gray morning Broke their long feast with tears and laments For the dead. Hrothgar, their lord, sat joyless ...
Some notes about the poetry ... Anglo-Saxon … Anglo-Saxon + French + Latin + a smattering of German = English Some notes about the poetry ...
Anglo-Saxon Poetic Form Epic = A long narrative poem that celebrates a hero’s deeds Kennings = Descriptive phrase that substitutes for a noun Caesura = Pause between two halves of a line Alliteration = Words that begin with the same sounds
…Except me, the Outsider Social Hierarchy King Thanes/Warriors Queen Everyone Else … …Except me, the Outsider