Reading activities Chapters 5 to 9
What did Mapetla describe during the dinner? Chapter 5: Main questions Where did Woods and Biko have dinner? A. in Mapetla’s house. B. At Tenjy Mtintso’s home. C. At Ramphele’s home. D. At a black restaurant. A.The way white people arrived in and settled down in SA. B.The way white people destroyed African cultures. C. The way white people colonized SA and pushed blacks away. D. The way black people managed their communities.
What main idea does Biko present during the meeting? Chapter 5: Main questions A.Black people don’t want to be what whites want them to be. B.Black people need to overcome their feeling of inferiority. C. Black people need to fight against their enemies. D. Whites consider that life is an endless competition. What proposal is made? A.Black people can teach whites how to sing group songs. B.Black people can always offer something to white people. C. Blacks and whites can find a way to live in peace. D. Two answers are correct.
Chapter 5: Main questions How do black people strengthen their sense of family? A.Using vocabulary in a particular way. B.By using children in a special way. C. By helping each other intensely. D. Two answers are correct. F. By often sitting at a table and singing group songs.
Chapter 5: Main questions Biko points out white people’s real achievement. Which? A.Whites have always convinced blacks that blackness was wrong. B. Whites have always convinced blacks that they can’t rebel. C. The idea that God always helps white people. D. Whites have convinced themselves to be superior. F. Whites have always possessed the land and the industry.
Chapter 6: Main questions 1. Who does Woods hire to work at the Daily Dispatch? A. Ramphele and Mapetla. B. Two black informers. C. Tenjy and Mapetla. D. Two minders. 2. Why does Woods hire them? A. They will cover black news. B. They will watch Biko in the township all the time. C. To increase the number of readers of the newspaper. D. Both A and C
Chapter 6: Main questions 3. How do the other journalists react? A. Positively. To have new colleagues at work was nice. B. With surprise. To have black colleagues wasn’t very usual. C. Negatively, although they didn’t approve of Woods’s idea openly. 4. Where do Woods and Ken go? What for? A. They go to a stadium, where whites will play rugby. B. They go to a police station, to denounce Mapetla. C.They go to a black football match. D.They go to the township to take some more photos.
Chapter 6: Main questions 5. What did the black men take from Ken when they entered the stadium? Why? A. Ken’s mobile phone, so he couldn't phone the police. B. Woods’s agenda, which contained his contacts with the police. C.Ken’s camera, so he couldn’t take any photos there. D.Woods’s secret microphone, hidden in his jacket.
Chapter 6: Main questions 6. Who was the first man talking to the crowd? A. Mzimbi, a black leader who wanted to kill whites. B. Mzimbi, a black leader who wanted violent revolution. C.Mzimbi, the trainer who wanted to motivate footballers. D.Mapetla, who wanted to start a peaceful revolution.
Chapter 6: Main questions 7. What is Biko’s main idea in his speech? A. White men can be defeated by massive demonstrations and strikes. B.The idea is not to kill people, but to kill the idea that whites are superior to blacks. B. Blacks can be free if they destroy white people’s pride. C.Waka Waka can be a good song for championships in the future. D.Black students must learn black History at school.
Chapter 6: Main questions 8. How can whites react once people are equal in SA? A. They have 2 options: violence or to leave SA. B.They only have 1 option: confrontation against black people. C.They have 2 options: confrontation or to build a new country together with black people. D.They have 3 options: violence, to build a new country together with black people or to destroy the townships.
Chapter 7: Main questions 1. Where is Biko taken? Why? A. He’s taken to a police station, because informers have denounced his speech at the stadium. B.He’s taken to a police station, because minders have reported he was in the stadium. C.He’s taken to a prison in King William’s Town, because he has broken his ban. D.He’s taken to a prison in King William’s Town, because he has driven a car without a driving license.
Chapter 7: Main questions 2. What happened at the Police station? a.The Police captain (De Wet) hit Biko. b. Biko hit the captain. c.Both hit each other. d. The minders tortured Biko.
Chapter 7: Main questions 3. What did the captain do? a.He sent Biko to a cell for 2 whole days. b.He threatened Biko very seriously. c. He hit Biko again in his face and Biko`s nose bled. d. He telephoned the minister of Police, Mr. Kruger.
Chapter 7: Main questions Question 4: Biko is sent to court in Pretoria. What did Biko claim there? a. The government uses terrorism. b. The government sent Mandela to prison and he is innocent. c. The government can help black people. d. The government wants to avoid violence.
Chapter 7: Main questions Question 5: What idea does Biko defend? a. They can live together if the government stops the destruction of the townships. b. They can progress if there is no violence. c. They can progress if there is confrontation. d. Black society needs to believe in hope and to be proud of itself. e. Both B and D.
Chapter 7: Main questions Question 6: What did Woods do? a.He telephoned Mamphela to invite her to Pretoria and defend Biko. b. He printed Biko’s speech in the newspaper on the next day. c.He took photographs of the trial. d. He sent the photographs of the trial to all the newspapers in the country. e. Both A and D.
Chapter 8: Main questions Question 1: What happened at the cultural centre? a. The police captain phoned and menaced the people. b. The police captain and other men put a bomb, but it didn’t explode. c. A group of policemen broke into and smashed everything. d. A group of policemen were seen (witnessed) by Dilima. e. Both C and D.
Chapter 8: Main questions Question 2: What did they do? a. Woods visited the prime minister and denounced the wreckage at the centre. b. Woods visited the minister of police and denounced the wreckage at the centre. c. Biko sent a letter to the prime minister and denounced the wreckage at the centre. d. Woods visited the minister of police and denounced the wreckage at the centre. The latter said he would pursue the case.
Chapter 9: Main questions Question 1: What do the policemen want when they visit Woods’s house? a.They want Woods to give the name of the witness. b. They want Woods to give them all the documents he has at home. c. They want to put drugs in his house, so they can arrest him a bit later. d. The five policemen want Woods to report the crime again.
Chapter 9: Main questions Question 2: The policemen … a. are confident because the minister of police defends them. b. are not confident because Woods reacts firmly. c. are confident because the law is on their side. d. Both A and C. e. feel weak because justice is not on their side.
Chapter 9: Main questions Question 3: The local detective (Lemick) … a. searches Biko’s house for explosives. b. wants to arrest Biko for printing dangerous documents. c. visits Biko because he has broken his banning. d. searches Biko’s house for dangerous documents.
Chapter 9: Main questions Question 4: Steve is writing an article to be published in the Daily under a different name, but … a. Ntsiki hides the papers in Samora’s nappies. b. Ntsiki hides the papers into a bin. c. Ntsiki gives false papers to the detective. d. Ntsiki burns the papers into a bin.
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