In the Zone Playground Training Llancarfan Primary School
Why did they need in the Zone? Rural school, lots of opportunities for play (lots of open area), it needed to be structured and better utilised LSA’s are the MDS and they needed to increase their level of understanding of play and physical activity No structure at lunch time and playtime, therefore, lots of disruptive behaviour (at least 1 incident of bullying, or an accident every day) No respect for the equipment, constantly broken or lost
How did they implement the training? As the school is very small, the Head Teacher felt that the pupils would benefit from the training, so 4 pupils from the school council took part. 2 pupils took part from year 5 and 2 from year 6 this help the consistency as the council felt that when the year 6 pupils left the training would stop (the council now deliver the training to them selves!) PESS Co delivered the training to 5 LSA’s and 4 school council members. Which was very interesting!
Strengths and Weaknesses of the joint training StrengthsWeaknesses Pupils were able to say what they would enjoy and what they found boring (so all the information they took back to year 6 was what pupils would enjoy) PESS Co has to keep them to time as they want to invent their own games (PSE/PE lessons to do this!) Working together LSA’s and pupils form a great rapport and they all respected each others views PESS Co just has to reinforce the importance of allowing everyone time to give their opinion The training and games are tailor made for the school, everyone understood what is happening. PESS co has to reinforce the importance of the LSA as the pupils run away with the ideas! The school council involved the LSA’s in the training of all year 6 pupils, along with the trail and error of the games during PE time School council plan how they will raise the money for new equipment
What Strategies have the school used? LSA’s & School council have implemented the training in PSE and PE time Piloted the games with all year groups using 1 PE lesson a week (LSA’s have taken these) Whole school Playground morning where the school rotated around the games and collected evaluation forms from each pupil (there are only 115 pupils so this worked well) Rotation of the “playground leader” works well they all like being responsible for every station. Quiet area where children can play cards or read (needs very little supervision)
Difference In the Zone has made? Children who use the quiet area their literacy and numeracy skills have improved in the classroom Children are more enthusiastic to go out and play at lunch and break times There are no “incidents” in the toilet area, and very few on the playground LSA’s now enjoy lunchtimes too!
Where do they go from here? Need to invent new games to keep the pupils interested! Keep the PTA involved to raise money to replace used equipment Keep the pupils enthusiastic! Share good practice with other schools!
Comments……. LSA comments.. 1.I was dreading training, I hated PE at school, after the training I could not wait to get started I even took the CD home to look at! 2.When the head teacher said we would be having the training with the children I thought it was going to be all about them, I was really surprised how they listened to the problems we have at lunch time they were really great. 3.Running around at my age was a worry, what a lovely afternoon I had, I am on the PTA and I will encourage them to fund raise for the equipment as long as they look after it!
Comments……. Pupils comments.. 1.I had a great time, the games were fun I want to play them every day 2.I thought it would be horrible to do it with the teachers but it was fun, they told us about the safety issues and why we don’t do the games now, because we don’t listen. 3.As the chairperson of the school council I am going to start on this tomorrow!