STEM FAIR PROJECT Project title Which Ball Bounces the Highest? Class Project | Mr. Hart| Northview
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Students will investigate to see which ball bounces the highest: Basketball, Dodge ball, Playground Ball, and Kickball.
PROJECT OVERVIEW Students will drop four different balls at the height of 91 centimeters to see which ball bounces the highest. Each type of ball will be dropped four times, and the height of which it bounced will be recorded.
RESEARCH Summarize your research here in three to five bullet points: Balls bounce with the combination of gravity and energy. Gravity is the force that pulls everything on Earth towards the center of the Earth. Gravity is what pulls the falling ball towards the ground. As the ball falls, it gains energy from its environment.
VARIABLES Controlled variables: The height at which each ball is bounced Independent variable: The type of ball Dependent variable: The height that each type of ball bounced, and its recorded data…
HYPOTHESIS The basketball will bounced the highest since it is used to dribble, bounce, and shoot in basketball competitions. The basket ball is also known to have bounced off backboards, other players, and out of the game.
MATERIALS Meter stick Basketball Yellow Dodge ball Green Playground ball Red Kickball
PROCEDURE 1.Student will hold meter stick touching the ground with the beginning of the number readings touching the ground. 2.Students will drop each of the type of balls from the top of the meter stick (four times), and record the results of the height that each ball bounced off the ground.
DATA/OBSERVATIONS Heights that each ball bounced: Type of Ball Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Basketball 50cm 55cm 49cm 56cm Dodge ball 30cm 37cm 34cm 36cm Playground ball 56cm 61cm 56cm 54cm Kickball 50cm 48cm 34cm 44cm
CONCLUSION Based on the data showing each type of ball and the height that each ball bounced, the playground ball bounced the highest with trial one showing 56cm, trial two – 61cm, trial three-56cm, and trial four-54 cm. The playground ball had the highest average that the ball bounced.
WORKS CITED Why do balls bounce? Vans (2006)