UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development iOS Development Framework
UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development Agenda Overview of iOS Framework Developer Licensing for iOS XCode IDE and Supported Development Languages XCode Storyboards and the ‘Playground’ Unity 3D and iOS
UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development iOS Framework iOS Development Framework Targets: iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, Retina Displays iOS SDK including Cocoa UI framework XCode IDE - current version 6.1 Programming Language: ObjectiveC and Swift Supported Development Platforms: OSX
UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development XCode IDE 6.1 XCode is the IDE for iOS development and debugging Also supports C++, ObjectiveC and Swift Support for other languages e.g Java is also available XCode has several project templates as a starting point for a development project. iOS development requires a valid licence to run the application on a real device.
UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development Developer Licensing for iOS To deploy and debug on an iOS device you will need a current developer licence from Apple: Register as a developer via the developer portal - use your iTunes ID and password if you have one Pay the annual licence fee, currently £60 Once you are registered you must download a provisioning licence to each device you want to use for development and debugging up to a maximum of 99 devices
UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development XCode StoryBoards Facilities and the ‘Playground’ The XCode IDE provides developers with a storyboard environment to plan and design program flow structures and UI functionality The Playground is a new feature in XCode 6.x which allows program code to be compiled in real-time for the purposes of quick code try-out scenarios, testing and debugging. It also is an aid to the code-learning process by facilitating the testing of small fragments of code
UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development Unity 3D for iOS Deploy to iOS form Unity by choosing iOS from the list of Target plaforms The Unity build settings will require valid developer code to be embedded with the development product ID TBYF2P2JK28 (Apple Developer Code) During the build phase Unity builds and links an XCode project from the Unity code and then pushes the executable onto the device No emulators available – must run and test on a real device.
UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development Summary iOS development requires an Apple Developer Code, currently£60 per year. The XCode 6.x IDE provides development for a range of programming languages including ObjectiveC and the new Swift language XCode has facilities for storyboard development and real-time compilation via the ‘Playground’ Unity 3D targeting iOS deviced require an embedded devloper code inside the build settings product ID