Streamlined Islands and Craters SuperNovaz Cyrus, Lumi, Michelle, Naomi, Rakeeb, Sarah Pd. 5,r:5,s:27 By: Rakeeb "Google Images." Google. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>.
Research Question Is there a pattern in streamlined islands and the flow of water on Mars (are double streamlined islands possible?) Why is your science question important? - This question is important because if we know where the water is flowing then we will know where to look for life on Mars. Why is your science question interesting? - This question is interesting because it’s an old question that was never answered and might never be answered. By: Lumi and Michelle Special thanks to Mrs. Lee and Ms. Castello (?) "Elator Vallis." Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
Background Information By: Naomi and Sarah "Streamlined Islands Could Mean Ancient Oceans on Mars." Artrick Playground. 21 June 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>.
Background information There is substantial geologic evidence that large amount of water once flowed across the surface of Mars distant years ago. Streamlined islands have a blunt end that is usually has an obstacle, often an impact crater. The crater is resistant to erosion and the association of crater creates a geologic barrier around where the water used to flow. By: Michelle "Streamlined Island." Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS. Web. Dec. 1,2011. "Mars Odyssey THEMIS Image: Streamlined Islands in Ares Valles | Mars Today - Your Daily Source of Mars News." The Whole Mars Catalog at Mars Today .com. Web. 02 Dec. 2011.
How Streamlined Islands are formed Streamlined islands can be formed two ways. The meteor hits the ground and forms a crater. A channel is formed near the crater and the water from the channel flows around the the crater. This causes a teardrop-shaped island to form behind the crater. Another way that would cause teardrop shape would be tremendous force of moving water, possibly from a catastrophic flood, carved these teardrop-shaped islands By: Naomi and Sarah (pic and edited by michelle) "Marte Vallis." Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
How Streamlined Islands are formed The other way is that a streamlined island is formed on Mars is: A meteor hits the channel and forms a crater. The crater gets in the way of the water flowing. This creates a teardrop-shaped island behind the crater. By: Naomi and Sarah (pic by michelle) "Erosion." Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
Hypothesis If there are many samples of streamlined island, then by looking at streamlined there will be no pattern in the water flow direction because rivers on Mars can be compared to those on Earth. By: Cyrus (pic by michelle) "Streamlined Islands Could Mean Ancient Oceans on Mars." Artrick Playground. 21 June 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. Could-Mean-Ancient-Oceans-on-Mars/1966/173049.
Methods By: Rakeeb "Streamlined Islands Could Mean Ancient Oceans on Mars." Artrick Playground. 21 June 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <http://artrick- Ancient-Oceans-on-Mars/1966/173049>.
Methods Spacecraft NASA’s Mars Odyssey Camera THEMIS Camera Image Type Visible Images – to see details within the crater MOLA – to see context of image and depth Geologic Features Studied Our topic is streamlined islands and craters because our research question is about the pattern of the streamlined islands and the flow of water. Geographic regions we focused on Regions with the most valley networks and channels. By: Michelle "Acheron Fossae." Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
Methods Continued… Sample Size 120 THEMIS Images used to gather data Categories of Data to be collected and “Why” Water flow direction – So that the flow of water on Mars can be compared to the flow of water on Earth. Image ID # - So pictures can be identified. Latitude/ Longitude – To determine the areas that would be good places to look for signs of life. Misc. Data – To record any other interesting information not warranted by our necessary data categories but certainly important to our study. Measurements Picture Diameter – Rough estimation relative to image parameters based on THEMIS Camera’s Visible Image range of 18km x 30km By: Lumi and Michelle InCompass Learning Solutions - Home. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
Methods Continued… Website list: Data collection steps on site: Go to the website; Click on the “Image Galleries” topic Click on “Themis Images by Topic” thumbnails Click on “Channels” Look for valley networks with streamlined islands Observe the direction of the water flow (look out for double streamlined islands.) (include streamlined islands without craters) Write down the image ID Write down the longitude and latitude Look for any other important facts that can be added into Misc. data If can’t find any streamlined island in “Channels” go to other topics such as “Crater” By: Lumi (some info added by Michelle) "THEMIS Images by Topic." Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
Data,r:8,s:0 By: Rakeeb "Outflow Channels of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars." Web. 22 Nov. 2011. tflow_channels.html.
Bibliography for Pix or other information? Data # Image ID Water Flow Latitude Longitude Misc. Data 1 V27786018 NW 20.4235 241.654 2 V27189032 N 15.8068 184.211 3 V02461008 NE 26.0798 304.41 4 V01786010 15.9702 329.601 5 V01854004 SE -37.371 189.633 6 V19528011 33.9392 147.159 7 V02539007 14.6742 213.39 8 V27615020 27.0647 135.868 9 V27191029 19.0494 126.94 10 V22659008 17.3143 184.962 11 V12877003 21.7139 125.515 By: Michelle and Lumi Bibliography for Pix or other information?
12 V19161011 E 22.4899 291.987 13 V37903013 S 1.16574 299.384 14 V3835007 SE 35.7768 8.53318 15 V37840018 12.8547 318.423 16 V35863001 -6.1345 137.801 17 V35821013 23.8144 244.71 18 V35419013 14.6788 317.748 19 I34912001 -6.4395 207.458 20 V34853003 N -20.4139 107.179 21 V35147006 SW 24.0238 224.801 22 I35249001 -5.6109 207.905 By: Michelle and Lumi
23 V35794003 SE -26.8902 325.531 24 V22659008 N 17.3143 184.967 25 V20169007 46.324 18.7755 26 V20343006 S 30.5949 36.939 27 V19431013 42.5455 66.8107 28 V19049010 35.6522 284.741 29 V01786010 15.9702 329.601 30 V11030007 20.7796 125.92 31 V10951003 SW 24.5078 245.372 32 V10664011 23.7209 244.238 33 I05076019 E 27.5168 132.882 By: Michelle and Lumi and Naomi
34 Tiu Valles N 16.4347 324.445 No ID available 35 V26404028 NW 21.2033 151.904 36 V26904027 19.1124 126.817 37 V28208008 W 25.8834 307.813 38 V28337019 16.682 184.872 39 V24485003 SW -36.0661 91.0846 40 Elator Valles -9.365 309.931 41 V40094002 NE -4.776 117.942 42 V39064012 SE 26.946 288.238 43 V39051007 9.569 300.847 44 Samara Valles E -21.685 340.143 By: Michelle and Lumi and Naomi
Series 1= streamlined island By: Sarah and Lumi Key Series 1= streamlined island Bibliography for Pix or other information?
Bibliography for Pix or other information? By: Lumi and Sarah Bibliography for Pix or other information?
This is a title page decorate me :0) Appropriately Discussion This is a title page decorate me :0) Appropriately Bibliography for Pix or other information?
Bibliography for Pix or other information? Data # Image ID Water Flow Latitude Longitude Misc. Data 1 V27786018 NW 20.4235 241.654 2 V27189032 N 15.8068 184.211 3 V02461008 NE 26.0798 304.41 4 V01786010 15.9702 329.601 5 V01854004 SE -37.371 189.633 6 V19528011 33.9392 147.159 7 V02539007 14.6742 213.39 8 V27615020 27.0647 135.868 9 V27191029 19.0494 126.94 10 V22659008 17.3143 184.962 11 V12877003 21.7139 125.515 By: Michelle and Lumi Bibliography for Pix or other information?
12 V19161011 E 22.4899 291.987 13 V37903013 S 1.16574 299.384 14 V3835007 SE 35.7768 8.53318 15 V37840018 12.8547 318.423 16 V35863001 -6.1345 137.801 17 V35821013 23.8144 244.71 18 V35419013 14.6788 317.748 19 I34912001 -6.4395 207.458 20 V34853003 N -20.4139 107.179 21 V35147006 SW 24.0238 224.801 22 I35249001 -5.6109 207.905 By: Michelle and Lumi 21
23 V35794003 SE -26.8902 325.531 24 V22659008 N 17.3143 184.967 25 V20169007 46.324 18.7755 26 V20343006 S 30.5949 36.939 27 V19431013 42.5455 66.8107 28 V19049010 35.6522 284.741 29 V01786010 15.9702 329.601 30 V11030007 20.7796 125.92 31 V10951003 SW 24.5078 245.372 32 V10664011 23.7209 244.238 33 I05076019 E 27.5168 132.882 By: Michelle and Lumi and Naomi 22
34 Tiu Valles N 16.4347 324.445 No ID available 35 V26404028 NW 21.2033 151.904 36 V26904027 19.1124 126.817 37 V28208008 W 25.8834 307.813 38 V28337019 16.682 184.872 39 V24485003 SW -36.0661 91.0846 40 Elator Valles -9.365 309.931 41 V40094002 NE -4.776 117.942 42 V39064012 SE 26.946 288.238 43 V39051007 9.569 300.847 44 Samara Valles E -21.685 340.143 By: Michelle and Lumi and Naomi 23
Why is data important to the study? Data chart is important to the study because it shows the direction of where the water is flowing and this helps to find the pattern of water flow direction. Also data helps to organize the thoughts and information that were gathered during the researching process. Bibliography for Pix or other information?
By: Sarah The second graph represents the location of streamlined islands on Mars. They were all between -60 and +60 in latitude and varied in longitude position. Most streamlined islands are located at an altitude of -2 km (green areas of the map). .
By: Sarah and Lumi The first graph represents the direction flow of Streamlined Islands on Mars. The highest percentage of water flow was tied between Southeast and South followed by North, Southwest, East and Northeast, then West. There seems to no particular trends or patterns in water flow direction.
Potential Errors List any errors that may have skewed your data collection (i.e. tool accuracy, or human error). Be specific. Bibliography for Pix or other information?
This is a title page decorate me :0) Appropriately Conclusions This is a title page decorate me :0) Appropriately Bibliography for Pix or other information?
Research Question Restate and answer question Make sure to include any specific data that helps support your conclusion And explain how the data supports your conclusion Bibliography for Pix or other information?
Further Informed Research List any new questions you have after going through this study. Is there any future work that needs to be done? What types of technology should be developed to help us further advance our research on Mars? in space? Bibliography for Pix or other information?
Hypothesis Everyone’s hypothesis must be analyzed. Restate and support or refute hypotheses Make sure to include any specific data that supports or refutes your hypothesis And explain how the data supports or refutes your hypothesis Bibliography for Pix or other information?
Acknowledgements Thank You’s: "Outflow Channels of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars." Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>. Planet Facts – Fun & Interesting Information About the Nine Planets. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>. "Streamlined Islands Could Mean Ancient Oceans on Mars." Artrick Playground. 21 June 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>. Bibliography for Pix or other information?