Units of Measurement and Perimeter Review for EQAO
Lesson Plan H omework Zone Units of Measurement and Perimeter Review for EQAO To watch a video that walks you through this lesson click on the link: Curriculum Strand: (Grades 3 and 6) Measurement: estimate, measure, and record length, perimeter, area, mass, capacity, time, and temperature, using non-standard units and standard units; Minds on Activity for the Students: (Slide 3-4) Each of these slides presents a video that will review units of measurement. (Slides 5) Review different units of measurement in a large group setting with this slide. Ask students to order the units from smallest to largest by dragging the unit squares from the red circle, into the white rectangle. Be sure to ask how the students know one unit is bigger or smaller than another. The bottom square can be used by the teacher or the student to create more unit squares to test your student’s understanding. (Slides 6-7) These 2 slides link to tvokids.com where you can watch EQAO test prep videos focusing on perimeter. (Slide 8) This slide contains 3 perimeter questions for your class to complete in a large group setting. The overall goal is to find the perimeter of each playground. Be sure to note that each playground has missing measurement that the class should recognize. Be sure to discuss different strategies that your students use and highlight the effectiveness. Extensions: Divide your class into group. During computer lab time have each group pick a subject and topic found on the Homework Zone Webpage at tvokids.com. Have each group become an expert on their topic. Groups are asked to present their topic to the class. Any further questions can be ed to tvokids and should be addressed by the classroom teacher. Assign watching the Homework Zone as homework and have students who watch it share what they learned. Don’t forget there are tons of other topics and printable worksheets on the website tvoparents.com/tvokidsteacherzone
M easurement Video Place Area & Perimeter video here click here to watch the video
M easurement Video 2 Click here to watch Math City Math City: Units of Measurement
3km 1cm 1m1mm 1km 15mm 11m 67cm Make more units of measurement cubes by dragging and adding numbers. TASK: Move the cubes and place them in order some smallest to largest. Be sure to consider the unit of measurement. Units of Measurements
E QAO Perimeter Video Place EQAO Perimeter video here Click here to watch the video
E QAO Test: Perimeter Question Video Place EQAO test: Perimeter question video here Click here to play the Video
Find the Perimeter TASK: Find the perimeter of each playground. 12m 14m 6m 10m 1m 3m 9m 6m 4m 2m 1m 5m 7m 1m 3m 2m 4m 1 2 3