Behaviour Management offering guidance
Guidance: definition “the act of directing…to a negotiated end” based on human rights of: n fairness n equality n diversity n justice
Guidance- n fosters inductive reasoning and problem solving n uses respectful tones n uses gentle actions n offers fair and sensitive guidelines n fosters an atmosphere of trust n provides a warm nurturing, safe environment n provides children with positive role models
Guidance- n uses good judgement n offers empathy n clearly indicates the desired behaviour for younger children when necessary n example: “You need to use your words.” n non example: “Don’t hit!” n builds upon our philosophy of education so we are congruent
Guidance- Techniques n thorough and creative program planning n consistent, fair and logical n few rules: Children or adults cannot hurt themselves, others or things. n observe n know the children
Guidance- Techniques n stay calm and gentle n listen n communicate n provide choices that are real choices n use redirection and/or distraction for younger children n use appropriate positive reinforcement
Guidance- Techniques n provide attention n provide adequate time and space n abandon your agenda n model n cue or prompt n discuss the problem n be open to their solutions
Guidance- Techniques EFFECTIVE PRAISE OR ENCOURAGEMENT Hitz and Driscoll (1988,p.12) n Daniel just finished a painting. He comes to you, the teacher, and says, “Look at my painting. Isn’t it beautiful?” n You reply, “You look happy about your painting. Look at all the colours you used.” n How is this different from other praise?
Guidance- Techniques EFFECTIVE PRAISE OR ENCOURAGEMENT n Sue seldom talks in the group. Today she told a short story about Hallowe’en. n “That was a very scary story you told. It gave me goose-bumps.” n How is this different from other praise?
Guidance- Techniques INEFFECTIVE PRAISE: n “I like the way you put up your hand.” Why? n This praise is manipulative, value laden and judgmental. n We need to get in the habit of providing children with information about what they did coupled with WHY it made a difference, (the results of their choices).
Guidance- Techniques & Kohn Defending limits: n purpose Is the purpose protection or control? n restrictiveness less is better: for example quiet voices instead of no talking n flexibility may need to modify timetable, assignment, etc.
Guidance- Techniques & Kohn n developmental appropriateness Four year olds need guidance with appropriate outdoor dress. Do 10 year olds? n presentation style non controlling manner acknowledging student feelings n student involvement: Do the students help set the rule or routine?
Guidance- Techniques & Kohn CLASS MEETING : the place for n sharing things of interest to students n deciding things important to the class like how to help people in need or decorate the classroom n planning important events such as field trips, class celebrations
Guidance- Techniques & Kohn n reflecting: *what kind of place our classroom will be *how we will treat each other *how we will welcome guests, or newcomers *how we will treat a substitute teacher when our teacher is absent *what can we do when we don’t agree
Guidance on the playground: Peacemaker model Teacher supervised but student run n Would you like to talk to a teacher, the principal or me? If you then… PEACEMAKER SCRIPT This is our format: n First we listen to both sides. n Then we find 3 solutions to the problem. n Next we choose one we can agree on. n Finally we try out our solution. n Are you ready to begin?
Guidance on the playground: Peacemaker model Peacemakers are taught mediation skills. Face the children you are helping E make eye contact Listen carefully to each side and repeat back what has been said Open body stance Recap the decision and wish them luck.
Guidance on the playground: Peacemaker model n Peacemaker programs are being used throughout the province. n They provide the shirt, and training kit to schools and other groups. n A teacher has to take the initiative to do the training and monitor the program, wash the shirts, make the certificates. n Like all programs, some student loose interest quickly because it cuts into their playtime. n Other students become excellent mediators.
Kindergarten Behaviour Management n few rules n enforce them n Use verses, music, action poems for transitions and to focus attention.
Kindergarten Behaviour Management It’s time to tidy up, (tune, Farmer in the Dell) It’s time to tidy up, Everybody lend a hand It’s time to tidy up. Let’s put our toys away, Everybody lend a hand Let’s put our toys away.
Kindergarten Behaviour Management Roll your hands so slowly As slowly as can be Roll your hands so slowly And fold them just like me. Roll your hands so quickly As quickly as can be Roll your hands so quickly And fold them just like me.
Kindergarten Behaviour Management You may change the words to: Let’s all move for story, show me how. Let’s make a circle, It’s story time. (It’s time for math, it’s time to read etc.)
Kindergarten Behaviour Management Everybody do this, do this, do this, Everybody do this, just like me. Everybody bend and stretch, bend and stretch, bend and stretch, Everybody bend and stretch, just like me. Everybody patsch and clap Everybody patch and stamp Everybody sitting, sitting, sitting Everybody sitting, quietly.