Karen Turner Jack Oliver Virginia Jackson
Topics Term 1- Around the world- myths and legends, skeletons and nutrition, savoury dish Term 1 b- Cracking contraptions- Forces and magnets, animation, design contraptions, explanations Term 2- Horrible Histories- Stone Age to Iron Age, rock types and classification, cave art, newspaper reports Term 2b- Theatre- Shakespeare, masks of characters, light and shadows, Macbeth and R. Dahl The witches, making our own theatres with levers and pulleys. Term 3- Town Planners- imaginary worlds, local Geography about Hatton Locks, window collage, link to Curse of Wear rabbit – persuasive writing. Term 3b-Great Artists- Plants and animals, Hodgeheg-DK Smith, IT to create pieces of art, UK region of Britain
Reading Key stone to learning 3x per week for about 15 minutes Change their own reading books. They have a library book of their choice this might be to share with you or for you to read to them or for them to read. They have a guided reading book that we choose and we change when they have achieved all the Assessment foci. Book banded books (scheme books)–can change when they want to. They add a sticker to the reading record book to show you what they are working on in school.
Homework and spellings Spellings will given each week to be learnt for a weekly spelling test. Look, Cover, Write, check, kinaethestic ways of learning Mix of key words and phonic spellings set in 3 groups. Times tables test and mental maths test weekly. Homework is a mix of literacy/topic and Numeracy. Each week they have to complete either a maths tasks or a topic task. Generally it is expected that you will sit with your child and provide some support.
Equipment Need a pencil case- scissors, ruler, felt- pens, coloured pencils, a pencil. Water bottles- must have this as we have no sink!! Must be water in them. PE kit- shorts, t-shirt, tracksuit, pumps and trainers all must be named and in a named bag. They need a reading bag. They will be used to carry the various books etc. home and to school. They will be expected to empty their own trays and hand in their own homework.
Beginning and end of the day At 8:45 children enter the school from the junior playground and walk to their cloakroom. There will be morning work set that they can start. A bell and registration will take place at 8:55. At the end of the day a teacher will be present in the junior playground for the children to be released at 3:15.
Communication We place letters in a tray which they can collect and place in their own tray. You can make an appointment with the office. There will members of staff on the playground at the end of the day.
Any questions???