Week 14 11/26 – 11/30
Define problem, brainstorm ideas, and research playground design.
* Learning Target: Define problem, brainstorm ideas, and research playground design. * Playground design (7 Days to Design and Build Prototype): * Define problem * Brainstorm * Research on computer * Public Playground Safety Handbook * Field research * As you complete each step in the Design Process, record your ideas in your notebook.
* Client * Designers * Problem Statement * Design Statement * Constraints
* Sketches and Notes of: * Sizes * Shapes * Materials * Features
* Learning Target: Brainstorm ideas, research, and develop ideas for playground design. * Playground design: * Define problem * Brainstorm * Research on computer * Public Playground Safety Handbook * If finished: * Choose the best idea using a decision matrix Some websites Playlsi.com Playandpark.com Gametime.com and Safety Handbook
* Learning Target: Research, develop ideas, and pick your best idea for playground design. * Hand Tools Safety Test! * Playground design: * Develop ideas by sketching 1 or 2 ideas from your research and brainstorming. * Pick the best idea from your team by using a decision matrix. Paste a copy of the decision matrix in your notebook. * If finished: * Show Mrs. Davis completed Decision Matrix. * Create a supply list on a separate sheet of paper and give to Mrs. Davis.
* Learning Target: Research, develop ideas, and pick your best idea for playground design. * Playground design: * Develop ideas by sketching 1 or 2 ideas from your research and brainstorming. * Pick the best idea from your team by using a decision matrix. Paste a copy of the decision matrix in your notebook. * Submit supply list for Friday’s physical model * If finished: * Show Mrs. Davis completed Decision Matrix.
* Learning Target: Develop ideas, pick your best idea, and start model/prototype of playground. * Playground design: * Model and prototype Submit supply list for Monday’s physical model. * If finished: * Add Modifications to notebook. * Model playground design using AutoDesk.