Section 4(f) Updates questions to:
Updated Coordination Form Section 4(f)/6(f) Determination Form for Recreational Properties Complete form accordingly, based on type of impact o Informal consultation may be needed o Review Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Submit with all pertinent information attached o Mapping, right-of-way plan sheets, photographs o OWJ consultation/concurrence o Easements/leases/management plan o Public Involvement o Section 6(f)
Submittals Include project information Level of 4(f), type of 4(f) property, and level of 6(f) o Based on informal consultation and/or SOP o 6(f) may apply if property received LWCF Provide the following in all cases: o Project description o Description of property o Description of impacts o Measures to minimize harm/mitigation/commitments
Submittals For de minimis, Programmatic, or Individual: o Purpose & Need o Public Involvement Summary For Programmatic or Individual: o Alternatives Analysis For properties that are subject to 6(f): o Description of replacement property o ODNR completes conversion section
What It Looks Like…
4(f) Determination Process Upload form to Online CE o No hard copies or submittals o Notify district contact via when uploaded OES Policy issues determination o Within 30 calendar days of being notified by district de minimis or Programmatic o FHWA afforded a 15-calendar day objection period Individuals o Regulatory time frames are followed, but overall process time may take a year to complete
6(f) Determination Process If 6(f) applies, included as part of submittal o Maintenance = OES approves o Temporary Non-Conforming Use = ODNR approves o Conversion = ODNR and NPS approves ODNR and NPS provide comments and/or approval within 30 calendar days o Per terms/conditions of the 6(f) PA
Standard Operating Procedures Guidance issued in 2012 revised and renamed as the SOP for recreational 4(f) properties o Cultural Resource 4(f) issued following completion of the Section 106 Process Applies to federally-funded transportation projects that impact or involve a 4(f) property o Parks and Recreation Areas o Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges and Wildlife Areas o School Playgrounds o Trails and Shared-Use Paths o National and State Wild and Scenic Rivers Portion designated for recreation
Additional Guidance Flow charts to correspond with the SOP How-to for completing the determination form Screening checklist for recreational properties Templates for OWJ correspondence o Majority can be facilitated through o Official letterhead for de minimis and higher
Parks, Recreation Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Wildlife Areas Projects adjacent to these properties do not require coordination with the OWJ or OES Policy when: o No permanent and/or temporary ROW is required from the property Includes easements and work agreements o No restriction of access will occur during construction activities Standard language provided in SOP
Parks, Recreation Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Wildlife Areas Wildlife Areas o Publicly-owned land that protects habitat and/or terrain that facilitates wildlife production and conservation o May facilitate public recreation Hunting, fishing, and/or trapping Walking, hiking, and/or biking Wildlife watching Boating Other compatible recreation use
School Playgrounds School property itself is not subject to Section 4(f) 4(f) may apply to playground areas if they: o Are open to the public and publicly owned AND o Serve either organized or substantial walk-on recreational purposes that are determined to be significant The Superintendent is typically considered the OWJ o Must consult with in order to determine if school playground is subject to 4(f)
Wild and Scenic Rivers 4(f) applies only to those portions (including adjacent land) that are designated recreational o Either through legislation or management plan o Projects adjacent to rivers do not require coordination with the OWJ or OES Policy if 4(f) does not apply Standard language provided in SOP
Contact Info Kevin E. Davis o o