Welcome to Pre-K Curriculum Night
Borchardt Bears Davis Dolphins Meet the Teachers Borchardt Bears 3’s & 4’s Penny Borchardt plborchardt@prosper-isd.net Instructional Aide: Kym Burrow Davis Dolphins 4’s & 5’s Amanda Davis ardavis@prosper-isd.net Instructional Aide: Nicole Boyd
Our Pre-K OWL Curriculum The OWL curriculum is designed to “Open the World of Learning” and to prepare students for Kindergarten. The curriculum is designed to develop early literacy skills in the context of rich content in areas of Math, Science, and Social Studies. The Texas Pre-K Guidelines are directly aligned to the Kindergarten TEKS every week with extra support in differentiation and monitoring.
What are we going to learn in Pre-K? OWL Curriculum Units New Friends My Family Our Community Life on the Farm From Jungle to desert Earth and Sky Shadows and Reflections Make it Move! Objectives in OWL Letter of the Week Writing Journal Science Journal Pumpkins Holidays Patterns Numbers Sight Words Vowels Measurement Simple Addition Simple Subtraction
How are we going to learn? We have a variety of online support for our OWL curriculum designed to support each subject across the curriculum. The online support consists of short videos, matching games, putting a story together, and vocabulary interactive lessons. Starfall Website helps support letter recognition and early reading. Flipcharts are used and created to follow our curriculum and built for student independent use. Daily Five Reading: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading. Energizers and a variety of music is used to engage students in learning.
How are we going to assess learning? CIRCLE Testing is a state test that will be done beginning, middle, and end of the year. It is amazing to see such growth that happens over a year! Informal Testing such as letter, shape, number recognition are also done throughout the year to see where each student needs extra support.
How we are going to learn and work together? Positive Reinforcement Reward Systems: Points in the classroom and stickers on the calendar Behavior Issues REACH Expectations Respect Encourage Appreciate Honor Class REACH Posters of what it looks like in each classroom. Each student signed it.
Arrival School starts at 8:00 They will wait in the cafeteria until their teacher gets them at 7:50. If you would like your child to eat breakfast, please make sure they arrive between 7:30 – 7:50. Dismissal Dismissal at 3:00 The school policy will not allow us to release your child to go home with anyone that is not on your transportation list. Any changes in transportation must be received before 2:00pm. Attendance: It is very important that your attend school everyday. In the case of an absence you must call the school and provide a note.
Parents are welcome to come eat lunch with their children Lunch and Snack Pre- K Lunch time: 10:30 am. Parents are welcome to come eat lunch with their children If you child is buying a hot lunch or a drink, you can either send money in your child’s folder or go on-line and put money in your child’s account. www.mynutrikids.com We will be taking donations for community snack or bulk snack items for snack every afternoon. Every child has the option to bring his/her own snack every day if they choose. Snacks must be water only and healthy such as pretzels, goldfish crackers, fruit, etc.
Playground and Rest Time Playground: Please send your student in closed toe shoes, shorts under skirts, and appropriate outerwear for our outside recess times. Rest Time: You may send your student with a small blanket or small stuffed animal. It is to be kept in their backpack until rest time and then put back after rest time. Cloth nap mats will be sent home every two weeks to be cleaned. We will clean the plastic nap mats at the school.
Daily Folders and Parent Communication Your child will be responsible to bring home a daily folder to be checked by you each evening and returned to school every day. This folder is to be used as one form of communication between you and your child’s teacher. Please clean out the folder every week. Your child’s folder will include a Monthly Calendar this calendar will be labeled with important events and the learning objective for the week. Weekly Newsletters are sent home on Thursdays that address upcoming events and learning objectives in each subject for the week. Feel free to contact us via email or phone call, we are here to help and love your parent support!
Your student is special! Star of the Week: Every child will have an opportunity to be the Star of the Week during the year. Class Celebrations: We will have class parties during the year which include a Winter Party, Valentine’s, and an End of School Year Party. Student Birthday Celebrations We can no longer celebrate birthday parties with cookies or cupcakes. Your child’s teacher will do something special to celebrate their special day. We are also not allowed to pass out invitations during the school day, please see the online directory for student addresses.
Pre-K Daily Schedule 2012-2013 7:50-8:00 Unpack 8:00-8:20 Math Centers 8:20-8:45 Circle Time 8:45-9:05 Recess 9:05-10:30 Language Arts Centers and Daily Five 10:30-11:00 Lunch 11:00-11:20 Recess 11:20-11:50 Science/Social Studies 11:50-12:20 Gym 12:20-1:00 Quiet Time 1:00-2:00 Math 2:10-2:30 Recess 2:20-2:45 Closure and Dismissal
Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night!