Márta Turcsányi-Szabó Eötvös Loránd University Informatics Methodology Group TeaM Lab matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Partners HU: Eötvös Loránd University (Co-ordinator) SK: Comenius University UK: Logotron Ltd. PT: Cnotinfor- Center of New Technologies of Information, Ltd. PL: Center for Informatics and Technology in Education BR: Cnotinfor Brazil Education and Technology matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Background Equipment Internet Guidelines Training ODL HU:Y soon Y Y need SK:Y soon Y Y need UK:Y Y Y Y need PT:Y Y Y need need PL:Y Y Y Y need BR:Y Y Y need need matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
History Logo community Comenius Logo Localisation MATCh EU project Imagine Playground EU project NETLogo EU project matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Imagine Constructivism Communication Collaboration Creativity Simplified animation Object-oriented metaphor Multiple dynamic inheritance Extended turtles’ behaviour Programmable shapes Parallel independent processes Imagine interface built into Logo Pages, embedded panes Tools for direct manipulations and direct painting Internet: access, uploading, co-operation plug-in Strong multimedia support. Voice input & output matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Produce infrastructure considering objectives With whom? How? What kinds of learning? Support Transferability matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Process Imagine Localised versions Microworlds Know-how matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Time-line TASK Defining learning strategies for CoLabs Developing e-learning platform Developing ‘active web’ material Local experiments and evaluation International experiments and evaluation Guidelines for users Guidelines for teachers Localisation Dissemination matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Themes 4-10 age: Mathematics, music, visual arts, writing 9-10 age: Fractions age: Creative communications age: Mathematics, scientific modelling matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Aims Overcome language difficulties Needs of different age groups Themes for different interest Equal opportunities Promote language learning matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Colabs portal (HU) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Story editor (PT) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Interactive objects for visual mathematics (SK) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Maths and Art (PL) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Games solving puzzles (HU) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/ Stamp Integrating subject knowledge + ICT skills + problem solving + creative communication
Mind mapping (HU) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Communication (SK) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
I want to tell you (HU) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Share projects (SK) multilingual issues matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/ Plug-in can run any version on web Localised versions of Imagine – switch to English They can open any language version Program translator Synchronous – send Imagine objects to another
How we fulfil objectives? We have no answers, just questions! matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
WITH WHOM? matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/ EACH OTHER Asynchronous – Forums, encyclopaedia Synchronous – networking
WHAT? matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/ SIMPLE GAMES + SKELTON + THEMATIC Simple games – links to Imagine course material Program skeletons are offered to be modified Thematic microworlds using Turtle metaphors – can be easily modified exploring new domains Communication and self expression
HOW? matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/ ACTIVITIES + FORUM + COMMUNICATION Interactive games (motivation) On-line games (contact) Explorative games (investigation) Brainstorming (communication) Creative tools (self-expression) Exchange games + Forum + „add-on„ + components (collaboration) Networking (use tools as white-board)
HOW TO SUPPORT? matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/ Advisory trails Diverse links at every node Good examples (Demo, Gallery) Exchange Forums Tutorials Mentors on-line Monitoring (assignments, log, cognitive maps)
Cognitive maps (HU) matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Evaluation Imagine Localised versions Microworlds matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Dissemination Imagine Localised versions Microworlds Know-how matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Why are we so confident? matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/
Colabs project matchsz.inf.elte.hu/Colabs/ Andor Abonyi-Tóth: Building microworlds with complex, pre-defined Imagine Logo components Secundino Correia: Creative writing collaboratory Ivan Kalas: From simple turtles to interactive objects for visual mathematics Peter Kaszas: Adaptive knowledge maps Zsuzsa Pluhár: Modular mind mapping Brigitta Réthely-Prikkel: Team Challenge Peter Tomcsányi: Implementing Object dependencies in Imagine Logo Marta Turcsányi-Szabó: Collaboratories – How can Children Learn over the Internet