Logistics 10 February 2012, Brussels Transport E-Freight Conference 2012 ICT for transport logistics in a White Paper context: Paperless multimodal freight transport 9th May 2012, Delft Astrid Schlewing, DG MOVE – Maritime Transport & Logistics
2 The White Paper on Transport from March 2011in a nutshell. “ Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area. Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system.”. A vision for the transport system of target, 10 indicative goals to guide policy action and 40 initiatives. Target: 60% reduction of GHG emissions by 2050
3 White Paper sets clear goals for competitive, resource-efficient and sustainable transport. New and sustainable fuels and propulsion systems. Optimising the performance of multimodal logistics chains, including making better use of more energy- efficient modes. Increasing the efficiency of transport and infrastructure use through advanced information and communciation systems and market-based initiatives
4 Situation today. Complexity of freight transport information exchange in an multimodal transport context: lack of interoperability along the supply chain need for provision of information several times for different purposes lack of information on multimodal availabilities lack of integration of information from tracking and tracing technologies and intelligent cargo applications inefficiencies, costs, reduced visibility of freight, perceived complexity for multimodal transport, sub-exploitation of multimodal transport, non-optimized use of existing transport infrastructure….
5 Enable interoperability for paperless freight transport in a multimodal context Across modes Across countries Along the whole supply chain : planning, execution, monitoring and reporting => Zero paper documents, zero waiting time at hubs, technology independent White Paper: the vision
6 Challenges. Solutions are available but implementations on a large scale are slow to appear. It is not only about technologies, but about change in organisation and behaviour. Sharing of information requires trust and co-operation. Co-operation requires interoperability. Interoperability requires standardised solutions. It may require an appropriate legal framework, in addition to data security and protection
7 Multimodal transport of goods : e-Freight (WP n°7). Common framework for freight information exchange. Single window and one stop shopping for administrative procedures. A single digital European transport document irrespective of the mode (e-waybill). Framework to track and trace freight along its journey. Integrated traffic and transport management and information systems. Simple, harmonised border crossings procedures for all modes of transport for all EU member states
8 FP7 e-Freight project. Utilising the research framework in support of policy development and implementation. e-Freight project. Developing and validating best practices and solutions Common reference framework Single window Multimodal e-waybill e-delivery infrastructure
9 Common Reference Framework ITS TAF/TSI RIS eMaritime Corridor Management TPS TSDTEPGIITESMWB CRS SDM
10 Common Reference Framework: Standardization. Core components of the common (e-Freight) framework are becoming international standard (OASIS – UBL). GS1 – eCom initiative – links established between GS1 messages and common (e-Freight) framework messages. ISO. UN/CEFACT. CEN
11 Single Window Regulatory Compliance Complexity Mode-specific, country-specific, globalisation Complex set of (duplicating) reporting requirements and related systems EU policy context and legal framework: White Paper, Customs Code, e-Customs, SafeSeaNet, Ship reporting formalities, RIS, TAF/TSIs, ITS EU Single Window Initiatives E-Customs single windows – trade facilitation Maritime single windows – monitoring vehicle and cargo movements A single entry point for all traffic and transport regulatory information at national level regardless of mode and the exchange between countries
12 Single Window E-Freight project developed a possible solution, the Common Reporting Scheme (CRS) A single, ‘standardised’ data model for reporting to authorities in compliance with EU and international regulations across all transport modes and in all Member States Designed to facilitate and harmonise the interactions of multimodal transport business stakeholders with National Single Windows under development by authorities, notably maritime administrations and customs Designed from first principles and therefore not inheriting the inefficiencies of transferring paper systems or mode specific practices to an electronic system and has no modal or sectoral biases
13 Multimodal e-waybill Document exchange between stakeholders involved in transport of goods is characterised by various national, international, often mode-specific regulations, conventions and standards To cope many organisations and companies have developed their own waybill Is this the right setting for multimodal transport chains? Can we not facilitate multimodal transport by multimodal e-waybills, reducing administrative burden and providing more accurate and reliable information How to face the challenges: global dimension; negotiability; trust and data security; liability…..
14 Multimodal e-waybill e-Freight project also developed a solution for an electronic waybill Based on an extensive analysis of challenges, user requirements and existing transport documents To be used in a unimodal or multimodal context In combination with a solution for its implementation enabling making data globally available – e-Delivery infrastructure
15 E-Freight initiative : possible achievements. Interoperability of transport ICT systems = make actors understand each other easily. Interconnectivity for SMEs. Run transport business processes smoothly across organisational boundaries. Reduce administrative burden and facilitate multimodal transport. …..but there is more. Enhanced supply chain visibility and security. Optimisation of logistics chains may help to increase also environmental performance and cost efficiency. …….
16 E-Freight initiative : coming steps. Link with e-Customs. Link with modal systems, in particular eMaritime and ship reporting formalities. Impact assessment, ….. Release of initiative foreseen in HORIZON 2020, TEN-T
Logistics 10 February 2012, Brussels Transport THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION