Progress Report The Great Lakes Maritime Information Delivery System The University of Toledo November 7, 2006 Intermodal Transportation Institute
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM BACKGROUND Upper Midwest Freight Corridor Study (Mississippi Valley Freight Corridors Coalition) To establish a regional approach for improving freight transportation in the Upper Midwest To establish multi-state, multi- jurisdictional partnership of public and private sector stakeholder interests. To study short- and long-term issues surrounding anticipated increases in freight movement and impacts on the region’s infrastructure and economic health.
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM BACKGROUND Upper Midwest Freight Corridor Study (Mississippi Valley Freight Corridors Coalition) Performance metrics in freight transportation To assess the following for all transportation modes: Demand for freight transportation Infrastructure and system capacities Impact of government regulation Ongoing data collection efforts: Midwest FreightView (MWFV)
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM GREAT LAKES DATA WORKSHOP: JUNE 9, 2006 US Army Corps of Engineers Transport Canada Lakes Carriers Association NOAA Detroit Port Authority Port of Duluth Great Lakes Commission St. Lawrence Seaway US Maritime Administration University of Toledo American Great Lakes Ports Association Canadian Chamber of Maritime Commerce University of Wisconsin-Superior (GLMRI) University of Minnesota Duluth (GLMRI)
ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE SYSTEM Jobs Economic impact of Great Lakes shipping The value of shipping to states, cities regions, etc. Environmental impacts/benefits compared to other modes Shipper savings associated with GL MTS Congestion effects of other modes in comparison to GL MTS Competition effects of Maritime Transportation and rates in contrast to other modes Safety issues with diverting freight traffic to GL MTS GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DATA ACQUISITION Cargo flows Facilities (e.g., docks, terminals, locks, etc.) Linking Great Lakes maritime freight movements and the economy of the Great Lakes Region Environmental Data (air, water, ballast) Data to support air and water pollution reductions based on diverting traffic from highway Data to support comparative analysis of Great Lakes Fleet vs. Railroads and Trucks Compiled lists of current sources of data GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM
MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE SYSTEM Detailed data repository for vessel movements, port functions commodity flows, economic activity, environmental impacts, etc. An Internet-based GIS data viewer (Citrix Metaframe Delivery) An Internet-based information delivery site for prepared maps, tables, graphics, text, etc. An information clearinghouse and centralized data facility to furnish links to other information resources, (private firms, government agencies, universities, etc.) A data exchange to support user inquiries and furnish information on demand GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM DATA COLLECTED AND ADDED TO GIS REPOSITORY Intrastate Employment patterns for each commodity type by SIC, NAICS, (Demographics Plus, Inc. Business Counts Database) Population and Socioeconomic data representing market demand within the region Port Locations—U.S. (BTS National Transportation Atlas) Waterway Network—Great Lakes and Inland Waterways (Army Corps of Engineers) Navigation Facilities, Locks, etc.
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM DATA COLLECTED AND ADDED TO REPOSITORY, Cont. Dock Locations and attributes: US and Canada 1. I.D. code number10. Latitude/Longitude 2. Name11. Operator 3. Location12. Owner 4. Address / Phone13. Purpose 5. County14. Slip length / width / depth 6. State/Province15. Vessel loading / unloading equipment 7. Waterway16. Vessel loading / unloading speed 8. Port17. Railway connections 9. Mile (river locations) 18. Notes of interest
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM DATA COLLECTED AND ADDED TO REPOSITORY, Cont. Port Operations Data such as Tonnages, Commodities transshipped (Lake Carriers Assn.), Vessels Serviced, Equipment, etc. Baseline 2002 commodity flows through the Saint Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes System obtained from the FHWA Freight Analysis Framework estimated from 2002 Commodity Flow Survey Data. This data set provided the research team with a skeleton framework upon which to add subsequent flow data as it is obtained.
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM PROGRESS THUS FAR Project Web Page: Information Delivery Service Basic prepared maps for viewing and download among a variety of jurisdictions: county, congressional district, etc. Prepared tables and graphs for viewing and download, Simple mapping functions in the data viewer, Query functions for more advanced users, and Analysis functions and specialized functions in the database for advanced users. Publishing function for research results
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM PROGRESS THUS FAR Project Web Page: Information Delivery Service Documentation of database contents and information available on the project web page Technical manuals available in.pdf format in downloadable form for detailed directions on use Web-based documentation / tutorials for instruction for specific functions such as basic mapping, query functions, and more advanced analysis functions. On-line help functions for routine problems Technical support via telephone &
Viewer Display
Pull Down Menu
Display Highways
Change Symbolization
Open Ports from Pull Down Menu
Display Ports
June, 2006 Coal Tonnage Source: Lake Carriers Assn.
Open Docks from Pull Down Menu
Display Docks
Highlight Individual Dock
Tabular Display of Dock Data
Display Waterway Network from Pull Down Menu
Display Waterways Source: Corps of Engineers
Highlight Flow Lines from FAF Data
Open Economic Data from Pull Down Menu
Manufacturing Employment, Docks and Highways
Refined Map Image
Docks, Waterways and Railroads
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM LOOKING AHEAD: Continual Updating and Additions to Project Web Site Future Meetings with Partners and industry Stakeholders Data Collection, Management and Information Delivery Efforts to Continue Pursue opportunities for adopting automated data acquisition technologies--including AIS Promote regional economic development in the Great Lakes through support of maritime industry Great Lakes Maritime Exchange (MISNA)
GREAT LAKES MARITIME IMFORMATION DELIVERY SYSTEM LOOKING AHEAD: Great Lakes Maritime Exchange (Affiliated with MISNA) Advance Vessel Schedule Information including ETAs and ETDs Actual Arrival and Departure Data Advance and real-time vessel movement monitoring (AIS) Vessel Traffic Analysis Historical Vessel Movement Port and Terminal Utilization Studies Promote Maritime Interests (MISNA, 2006)