TSI Freight Analyser Not for mobile Use.
Why we want it. Displaying freight data is a key part of the world steel pricing ‘puzzle’. It’s one thing knowing the price of steel around the world. Knowing freight prices makes you a trader. E.G. USA imported 14.3 million tonnes of steel in That’s US$ 8,580,000,000 worth. Imports were made by traders recognising a price gap between regions. No competitor shows this information, so it will be a great differentiator for TSI.
TSI tracks five key steel grades across the world’s major producing/consuming regions i.e. HRC
TSI’s online price analyser lets users chart up prices for visual comparison i.e. Hot Rolled Coil (US$/s.ton)
Turkish and US hot rolled coil prices diverge between June and July – by up to US$70/s.ton..... Opportunity knocks.... If customers know the true profit potential via shipping costs.
Freight Routes China – Europe Europe – China China – US US - China US – EU EU – US Europe – Black Sea Turkey – Arabian Gulf Europe – Arabian Gulf China – Arabian Gulf These are the key routes that match our steel regions. Sometimes we have repetition. This is because they are not just one price. IE ships coming from China are full – going back to China they are often empty, so much cheaper to charter. A canny trader fills the ship with scrap for the Chinese steel mills.
Navigating to the online freight analyser We envisage a tab to click ‘freight analyser’ on our website, which customers can use to get to this information. It should have a drop down menu to choose the origin and destination points.
Route Selection Route China – Europe Europe – China China – US US - China US – EU EU – US Europe – Black Sea Turkey – Arabian Gulf Europe – Arabian Gulf China – Arabian Gulf Click to drop down, click to select route. Selecting one will join the two locations, increase map size, bring up the freight rate and additional info.
I.E. China - USA China – US freight cost US$14.52/t Approximate journey time 8 weeks. Back to Route Selection
Webdev Value Added We would go bananas with joy if the system can interrogate our back end for steel prices in both ends of the journeys and display all of them. It would be harmonised into US$/t (as that is what the freight rates are in). This is already there in the back end. This will be great as it will make it harder for competitors to catch up. If not, they just have to display freight rates – a low bar for them to hurdle!
I.E. Europe – Asian Gulf Europe – AG freight cost US$9.17/t Approximate journey time 2.5 weeks. Back to Route Selection N. Eur HRC 620 US$/t CRC 700 US$/t HDG 780 US$/t Rebar 600 US$/t Plate 650 US$/t Turkish HRC HRC 820 US$/t CRC 900 US$/t HDG 980 US$/t Rebar 700 US$/t Plate 880 US$/t
That was steel... We also have lots of unique information for iron ore freight transport! It’s set up in exactly the same way and is in the back end also. To stop people getting confused between supramax (steel) and capesize (iron ore) it is easier to separate them entirely.
Info Selection Click one. The Steel one we’ve just been through. Iron ore is exactly the same. SteelIron Ore
Iron Ore Freight Routes Brazil - Qingdao Brazil - Tianjin Australia - Qingdao Australia - Tianjin E. India - Qingdao E. India - Tianjin W. India - Qingdao W. India - Tianjin W. Africa - Qingdao W. Africa - Tianjin
I.E. Europe – Asian Gulf Brazil – Qingdao freight cost US$19.17/t Approximate journey time 8.2 weeks. TSI iron ore Daily Price US$/t TSI iron ore weekly average US$/t TSI Quarterly Average US$/t Back to Route Selection
That’s the mapping out of the way!
Downloadable Ability Also The data also needs to be downloadable as the steel data currently is. Plus be changed from weekly to monthly to quarterly.
But...we should be able to plug this data into our existing dataset already... i.e. On the below analyser, it already shows USA and Turkey and prices. Is it possible to add freight data to this and have it downloadable as the steel data currently is? We have to make this as seamless as possible so that people can actually get use out of the tool we are providing. o Freight o Value: 13.21
Left example is what we currently have. Right example is with freight data added. See how much more useful this is: In column F the user can see the absolute difference in dollars between the regions. In Column G they can remove freight costs also to see what the potential profit is. September – December 08 they could have made a fortune!
Next Steps Webdev can have a look at the possibility of flash maps and how to manipulate them + data. Can you also look at integrating the ability to download the information as in slides 11-13? It really should not require anything major development-wise.... Thanks!