Ernie Perry, PhD Mid-America Freight Coalition
Ten States 22 % of total population 23 % of Country’s total truck tonnage 63 % of Nation’s total rail tonnage Inland waterway system –about all of it!
Linking Regional and State Freight Planning to MAP-21 Freight Provisions
Major Freight Provisions National Freight Network Priority Freight Network Critical Rural Corridors I-states Prioritization Freight Advisory Committees Freight Planning Freight Performance USDOT Provisions Truck SW Study Parking study C&P
Our goal is to identify the region’s system Compare to USDOT PFN designation Ensure state and regionally important corridors are represented Make it Multimodal 7
We looked at: 1.Volumes 2.Value 3.Matrix Criteria kg/FR /html/ htm ? ?
9 Meets Significant MAP-21 PFN criteria
Identify important state and regional corridors and provide criteria related to NFN. Provide states with catalogue of corridors and criteria Document importance to system, economy, state, region and nation.
Why is PFN designation Critical? 1)Economic development 2)Program benefits 3)Focused funding and maintenance 4)Business concentration can be expected to continue
Identify value and economic contribution Identify policy option and investment strategies to support growth
16 Employment w/in 3 miles each side of corridor
17 Compared Counties with 15 miles of four lane highway Differences in 6 socioeconomic factors range from 10% to 180% Accelerated growth rates –over 12% for number of businesses Bypass studies orts/Ri00058/ss08002.pdf
Multimodal Economic Network Ships 44% of domestic tonnage, receives 30 % of domestic water born tonnage. 32% of the network, 63% of the tonnage!
M70, M 94(Avenue of Saints), Great Lakes – St Lawrence Seaway, M71, M65, M75…
Wind, solar, natural gas….?
National Freight Advisory Committee Freight Policy Council State Freight Advisory Councils Top line customer, performance based relationship
MAP-21 Resources-MAFC Full Bill Text MAP-21 Overview Presentation-AASHTO MAP-21 Freight Provisions-STB FHWA Site on MAP-21-FHWA Webinars on MAP-21-FHWA Q & A on MAP-21-FHWA MAP-21 Guidance-FHWA MAP-21 Deadlines-Iowa DOT