2 Why is action necessary? Mobility in urban areas is closely related to a variety of policy challenges: climate change, competitiveness, energy, cohesion, road safety, … Actions at local level are not taken in isolation but in the framework of EU policy Urban mobility is of concern to EU citizens. Nine out of ten citizens believe that the traffic situation in their area should be improved
3 Fully respecting competences Urban areas are diverse, face different challenges and have different needs. They are best placed to define and implement urban mobility policies. The Commission has no intention to prescribe one-size-fits all or top down solutions, but it can support, enable and encourage. Much is to be gained from working together!
4 The Green Paper - a sound basis Green Paper ‘Towards a new culture for urban mobility’, adopted on 25 September 2007 The consultation and debate that followed the Green Paper clarified the added value of action at EU level Twenty actions, centred around six themes that respond to the main messages from the Green Paper consultation
5 Six themes Promoting integrated policies Focusing on citizens Greening urban transport Strengthening funding Optimisation of urban mobility Sharing experience and knowledge
6 Upgrading data and statistics ► Study on improving data collection for urban transport and mobility Urban mobility observatory ► Internet platform for sharing information, data and statistics, best practices
7 Next steps The Action Plan is relevant to citizens, cities and regions, and the EU as a whole All actions will be launched over the next four years with a review in 2012 More information:
8 Study on data collection Study on harmonised data collection of European data and statistics in the field of urban transport Objectives: Address the limited availability of data and statistics in the field of urban mobility; Identify possible data sources and synergies; Improving data collection in the field of urban transport
9 Study on data collection The study will: (1)consult key data providers/data users/stakeholders and undertake a scan of existing recommendations on possible indicators and definitions; (2)prepare overview of existing sources of data and statistics at local, regional, national and EU level, and assess their quality;
10 Study on data collection (3) explore possible synergies with existing Commission initiatives, for example via Eurostat or the Urban Audit, or link-ups with data collection activities for transport modelling and road safety; (4) prepare proposals on how to improve data collection for urban transport and mobility
11 Promoting integrated policies Accelerate the take up of sustainable urban mobility plans Urban mobility and regional policy Transport for healthy environments
12 Focusing on citizens Passenger rights in urban public transport Improve accessibility of urban transport Study green, environmental zones Campaigns on sustainable mobility behaviour Energy efficient driving as part of driving education
13 Greening urban transport Research and demonstration for lower and zero emission vehicles Internet-guide on clean vehicles Methodological study on urban aspects of internalisation of external costs in transport Information exchange on urban pricing schemes
14 Strengthening funding Optimise existing funding sources Analyse needs for future funding
15 Optimising urban mobility Urban freight transport Intelligent transport systems (ITS)