A Strategic Management & Planning Toolkit David Peacock Knowledge Services & E-Learning Manager
Outline: What is Strategy? Analysing External Drivers: tools to analyse the organisations external environment. Analysing Strategic capability: tools to determine the organisations resources and competencies. Analysing the best fit: tools to aid strategic decision making.
What is Strategy? “Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competencies with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations.” - Johnson, Scholes and Whittington.
Strengths & Weakness Capabilities & Resources Mission Opportunities & Threats Needs of customers & stakeholders PEST Forces Competitors and allies The Fit Best course of action What do we want to accomplish? What are your capabilities? What is needed and feasible? B.W.Barry
(Open University) Analyse near Environment Analyse Near Environment Organisational purposes and current strategy Analyse capabilities and resources Strategic opportunities and threats Identify alternatives Strategic decision making
Levels of Strategy Corporate-level strategy Business-level strategy A strategic business unit strategy Trust level strategy Departmental level strategy A divisional strategy E.g., Library Knowledge Service
Analysing the External environment PEST Porters five forces SWOT
PEST :- P - Political / Legal E - Economic / Financial factors S – Socio-cultural factors T - Technological What environmental factors are affecting the organisation? Which of these are the most important at the present time? Which will be in the next few years?
PEST (Political / Legal) - The main DOH policy initiatives….. World class Commissioning/ Practice Based Commissioning Darzi review Role of independent contractors/sicial enterprises Links to Local Government / Social care E-Government initiatives Data Protection & copyright/ FOI Records management
PEST (Economic / financial)- WCC Practice based commissioning PBR and the “internal market” Impact of Independent sector provision Local overspends & deficits Government public spending plans PFI developments
PEST (Socio-cultural factors) Consumerism & growth of choice Development of expert & informed patients Local population demographics Growing obesity and poor diets Lifestyle changes Changes to family structure - singletonism
PEST – (Technological) NPFiT/CfH ESR and additional functionality Multi-purpose mobile devices Digital TV E-learning and m-learning Tele-medicine Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
Substitutes buyers Industry Competitors Rivalry Potential Entrants Suppliers Porters five Forces model Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of buyers Threat of substitute products/ services
Central government Client v citizen Street level public organisations Professional associations Related street level org. Adapted five Forces model Mckevitt, 2000 Suppliers
SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Opportunities:- issues to consider market developments; competitor vulnerabilities; political, economic, social and technological trends; Unique Selling Points; new services; new partnerships; and new distribution channels.
Threats:- issues to consider political, economic, social and technological trends; competitor strengths and intentions; new technologies, services, ideas; changing customer/client demand; sustaining internal capabilities; and new obstacles.
Six planning areas Service/ product (what are we selling/delivering?) Process (How are we delivering/selling it? Customer/Client (Who are we delivering /selling it to?) Distribution (How does it reach them?) Finance/resources (What are the resources, costs and investments required?) Administration (and how do we manage all this?)
Analysing internal strategic capability Strategic capability – the resources and competencies of an organisation needed for it to survive and prosper. –SWOT –The Value Chain –Benchmarking
Strengths & weaknesses: issues to consider Capabilities; resources, assets, people? Reputation and presence? Experience and knowledge? Marketing – reach, distribution, awareness? Location and geography? Value, impact and quality of service? Processes, systems, IT? Cultural, attitudinal and behavioural issues?
Benchmarking used to compare your services capabilities with similar services in other organisation identify issues and problems, and understand what makes others perform “better” than your own service. -Data or metrics benchmarking - Process benchmarking
Analysing the “best fit” SWOT & PEST Analysis Public sector Portfolio matrix Maslin Multi-dimensional matrix
SWOT & PEST Analysis Rising public Expectations New med. Technologies Demographic trends Competitive Market Capacity for innovation Good links with Social care +0+ _ Organisation still defining role 000_ No financial growth __ _ ____
Possible responses on the basis of a SWOT analysis (adapted from McLaughlin et al). Attack “Go for It” Beware “Don’t do it” Explore “If you have time” Project “Watch yourself” Opportunity Threat Strength Weakness SITUATIOnSITUATIOn ORG. CAPABILITY
Public Sector Portfolio matrix HIGH LOW Public Sector Star (Short waiting times) (Transplants) (Improved cancer treatments) Political hot box (MRSA/infection control) (Dentists) (New costly drugs) (Closure of Services) Golden Fleece (Community services) (Ambulance Service) Back draw issue (Fertility treatment) (Mental Health) HIGHLOW Ability to provide effectively Public need, support & funding attractive- ness
Maslin Multi-Dimensional Matrix (MMDM) HIGH LOW Mental Health Oncology Dental Services LOWHIGH Needs or wants of client Group Level of Provision