Global Weather Data for Pest Risk Mapping Center for Plant Health Science and Technology Source Dept. Agric. Vic. Source Plant Disease APS
Global Plant Hardines zones Static maps for risk analysis
Infection Template
Citrus Canker Average number of favorable days suitable for infection
Citrus Canker Average number of favorable days suitable for growth of Citrus canker. United States Africa
Japanese Beetle Life stages
Asian Gypsy Moth Name hidden Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) is a serious forest pest, present in many parts of eastern Asia The pest has a potential pathway of introduction as a hitchhiker on ships and cargo AGM has been intercepted in ports on both the east and west coast Unlike North American Gypsy moth the female is able to fly, making AGM potentially more serious
Asian Gypsy Moth Beginning of Flight No Flight Flight
Acknowledgements Joe Russo, ZedX Inc for title slide Photo credits: Weyman Fussell, (EDP) and PADIL NAPPFAST TEAM Roger Magarey, Glenn Fowler and Dan Borchert